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Thread: Does ghrp-2 compare at all to HGH?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Does ghrp-2 compare at all to HGH?

    I've been considering using HGH for a while now and have been looking more closely recently. Unfortunately I read the chinese hgh thread last night and don't want to piss away my money on fake hgh.

    There is a place in china I have dealt with before, a big pharm outfit that I know delivers pure product of what they say it is as I have purchased a medicine in powder form from them before that is orally active and could tell it was what I ordered and what they said it was. Unfortunately they don't sell hgh but they do have ghrp-2 acetate. I got a price for a gram and it works out to significantly less per 5mg than most peptide places and at least 4x cheaper than the cheapest place I have found that sells it in 5mg vials.

    I know they sell real stuff but don't know how ghrp-2 acetate compares to hgh. If I ordered it I would be spending significantly less per day on the ghrp-2 acetate than I would on any hgh, generic or otherwise. Has anyone done igf blood tests pre and post ghrp-2 acetate use to see what kind of numbers they were showing? I don't want to buy this stuff if it's a waste of money but know that I can get the real stuff from this place at a very good price and buying hgh seems like a real gamble unless you shell out cash for pharm grade, something I would like to avoid (unless someone is selling stuff that fell off a truck lol).

    I haven't seen many posts on ghrp-2 acetate but would like to know it's value relative to hgh so I can determine if buying a gram of the stuff is worth it.

    Any feedback at all would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    American made HGH 191aa is the way to go...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Anticatabolik View Post
    American made HGH 191aa is the way to go...
    I know, but at like 25 cents a day to 5 bucks a day I'd like to know how they compare (and will be finding out as I have 110grams of ghrp-2 right now).

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by 40plusnewbie View Post
    I know, but at like 25 cents a day to 5 bucks a day I'd like to know how they compare (and will be finding out as I have 110grams of ghrp-2 right now).
    As i said in another post:

    GHRP 6 stands for ' Growth hormone research peptide 6'

    Which is still in its research stage in China, the Chinese test these products on their prisoners so why would you use it? 191aa is the only growth peptide the pituitary gland accepts....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Anticatabolik View Post
    As i said in another post:

    GHRP 6 stands for ' Growth hormone research peptide 6'

    Which is still in its research stage in China, the Chinese test these products on their prisoners so why would you use it? 191aa is the only growth peptide the pituitary gland accepts....
    I'm using 2 not 6 but if what you say is in fact the case I guess I will be pissing my money away. Oh well, I have put worse things in my body and spent a lot more money on a lot worse stuff too.....

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Anticatabolik View Post
    As i said in another post:

    GHRP 6 stands for ' Growth hormone research peptide 6'

    Which is still in its research stage in China, the Chinese test these products on their prisoners so why would you use it? 191aa is the only growth peptide the pituitary gland accepts....
    It actually stands for "Growth Hormone Releasing Peptide". Also, your pituitary gland doesn't "accept" growth hormone, when you inject gh your liver converts it to IGF-1.

    That being said, I've never done ghrp2 but I did take ghrp-6/cjc-1295 with great results. I even backed it up with blood work, my igf-1 levels went from about 180 to about 500 after 5 weeks of the peptides(I can't remeber the exact numbers).

  7. #7
    D, did you get HGH like sides when you were on GHRP/CJC?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    D, did you get HGH like sides when you were on GHRP/CJC?
    Yeah, I got the numb hands/CTS. The GHRP also made me increadably hungry.

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