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Thread: Is T4 needed for a course of HGH? What about T3?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    The 7th Circle of Hell

    Is T4 needed for a course of HGH? What about T3?

    I have read the sticky regarding the use of T4 with HGH. It makes sense to me but so does the other thread about slin. I am not ready to use slin and from what I am reading it is not necessarily needed.

    My question regards the use of T4. Do other users feel it is a waste to use HGH without T4?

    Would using T3 provide a similar benefit?

  2. #2
    Don't bother. The discussion in that sticky is based on sheer mechanistic speculation that is being treated as fact, which is the absolute height of medical irresponsibility. In fact, it makes me a bit ill.

    Do not screw with your thyroid hormones based on shaky unconfirmed science.

  3. #3
    I've read quite a bit about people taking T3 for fat reduction. If there is enough empirical data being produced will it be "science" eventually?

  4. #4
    Problem is, scotch, it's never usable data. There's no control group, no clear measures being used, no controlling for other factors and compounds being used... just a lot of "Well so, uh, T3 levels are affected by GH levels, and when I take T3 I seem to get leaner then just on GH, so it must work."

    I have nothing against people trying stuff out on themselves, but I don't like it when people are essentially prescribing potentially harmful hormones to others based on a high school knowledge of biology mixed with some hearsay and a bit of personal experience.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    The 7th Circle of Hell
    As always, thanks for the info guys. I have used T3 successfully on AAS but was more curious about any synergistic effects of T4 with HGH. From what I am reading here, it seems like the effect would be similar to what one might experience with AAS. In other words, it will not necessarily increase the effectiveness of the HGH even though it will burn additional calories (assuming you are using the HGH to try to build quality, lean mass and dosing as such).

    please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

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