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Thread: Methanoplex,Stanoplex,Arimidex Questions???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Methanoplex,Stanoplex,Arimidex Questions???

    Hello, i want to ask a few questions.

    This will be my first run with this type of cycle.

    not sure on body fat %

    1)I was able to obtain **** Labs Methanoplex 10 and Stanoplex 50.
    Now i have done some research on the web about running Methanoplex 10 as a standalone. Some say it's a waste and some say they have got or seen good results from it as a a standalone. What are your thoughts on this? Could this be run as a standalone?

    2) I also read thats its not good to stack these two orals as it will be to harsh on the liver which i do know that. The question i have is what if i ran Methanoplex 10 @ 4 weeks on and then 4 week off at 15 mg and then took Stanoplex 50 after the Methanoplex cycle will it be just as bad?

    3) And as far as PCT goes would Arimidex be fine? I saw that you could run this with your cycle but being orals i dont think it would be a great idea. The question i have here is this true?
    I know that Methanoplex is a kick starter for test and some others but i have no access to them so thats why im going the oral route. And i have no access to nolva as well thats why im asking about Arimidex.

    So if you were to do a cycle of what i have what would it look like?
    Please post opions good or bad but please don't not a troll. Thanks for your time.
    Last edited by razorback74; 09-24-2010 at 11:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    5'8" and 160? Hope you're cut up.

    1) Can it be? Yes. Doesn't mean anyone would recommend it. It's rep is poor as a standalone for multiple reasons.

    2) Do not stack 2 liver toxic orals. Do not alternate them over long periods of time either. And 15mg of that stuff is borderline useless.

    3) NO. That is not a sufficient PCT. Can you run adex with orals? Yes.

    You do have access to nolva. And clomid. And other ancillary/pct products as well. Just click the banner in the upper right hand corner for ar-r.

    Now that I've answered your questions somewhat, let me just say that I think you have quite a bit of research to do before you dive in headfirst, maybe some more bulking too given your height/weight. There is no cycle I would make or do given just what you have.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    thanks for the help. thats good info. my goal is to BULK up. I was thinking of running the d-bol at 25-30 mg but i thought it was to much. I read that 30mg for 4 weeks is border line. And i was told that running Arimidex with the cycle will be just fine.

    And thanks for the info for the pct.
    I want to jump into test but the lack of sources is limited. But i might have something lined up with someone i know who knows somebody who works under a doctor that might get some from the hospital. Is that any good coming from a hospital?
    Thanks again.
    Last edited by razorback74; 09-25-2010 at 12:01 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    First of all, since you appear to be searching you'll be a prime target for scammers. I'd ignore any offers that might come your way here. They're almost certainly not legit.

    If you have a chance at human grade pharmaceutical test, that's always the best bet! 30mg dbol (that's the methan) every day for 4 weeks is not overkill at all.

    If you need more info regarding pct, check out the pct forum and read up on the stickies.

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