Relaxed my ass! Home loans, interest rates, credit card fees, life insurance, funeral insurance, etc, etc. Also, our roads here in Melbourne are shit house. Peak hours are from 6am-10am, and 3pm-7pm. Don't bother driving during those hours, especially major roads, or you'll be stuck in traffic for over an hour.
So you have to wake up at 6am to get ready for work, leave at 7, wait in traffic for over an hour, start working at 9, finish at 5, and you get home at 7pm. However, you have just enough time to take out funeral insurance before bed, lol. Btw, that's if you don't have kids
Also, it's sping here at the moment, and I have yet to see any sun, and I don't know anyone who has a jacuzzi, but I know a lot of people that smoke crack.
As for the people being relaxed, you have no idea how wrong you are. The majority are bogans (CHAVS), scared of all things foreign. I blame the media for this. WW3 could've started, and our media wouldn't mention it. It's a fractured society as well, with a lot of casual racism. Example, people from Southern Europe are always called wogs or chochos. The term chocos is used because white Australians/ bogans believe Southern Europeans have dark skin like chocolate. You wouldn't hear the N word thrown around like that in the US.
Every city in Australia and New Zealand pretty much look the same. Also, Asia isn't as close as you would think. It takes 7 hours to fly from Melbourne to Singapore.
Worst of all, I have to stay up until the early hours of the morning to watch the EPL and Champions League, and I'm the only one who has any idea what they are. Also, Ibiza and Amsterdam is a distant dream for me, and just a short trip for you. I would swap locations with you any day mate.
ps, did I mention you get taxed 25% of your salary to live in this utopia? Once I get my degree, I'm out of here, lol. Why didn't my parents migrate to Spain or Italy instead? Life.............