hello all, first time posting on a message board although i have been reading around past while. Basically im 26 years old, 5'10 215lbs and 13% bf. training experience 4 years weight training seriously.
Basically i started my first cycle a few days ago, my first " real " cycle i should say. I tried dbol only cycle before based on advice from a older friend, which i regret , but thats past now.
Anywho my cycle consists of
1-6 weeks test e, 6 - 12 test cyp ( based on availability )
500 a week too btw ( 2 shots 250 each )
my pct is going to be nolvadex as i've read its good. ( i already purchased it )
Basically im wondering since this is my first cycle a few small things, which is kind of personal but i feel that i should be informed. I'm wondering whether doing my cycle would boost my sex drive up more since ive read that test aromizes with estrogen, or do i need to take some type or anti estrogen along with my cycle so i don't get cursed by losing my sex drive,
i found that after my dbol only cycle , i could care less for sex which is strange for myself being a horny B*****d., its a battle to just get an erection, did i doom myself? should i post pone the cycle? thanks all