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Thread: PLEASE HELP: Bulk Cycle - Test E - Deca - Anadrol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2009

    PLEASE HELP: Bulk Cycle - Test E - Deca - Anadrol

    Hey guys so this is what my cycle looks like -

    1-14 750mg Test E EW
    1-14 450mg Deca EW
    1-5 100mg Anadrol ED


    16-22 Standard Nolva and Clomid

    My Test E, Abombs, Nolva and clomid are all HG, Deca is UG. Here is the problem. This would be my 4th cycle, and I am VERY VERY prone to bloat, especially in the face. my face gets bloated even on Test prop and Tren ace, so I'm assuming test is the culprit via estrogen conversion. Now I do not have acess to Aromaisn or Arimidex. I'm certain this cycle will have bloat issues and I need a way to control besides drinking more water.

    My options:

    Nolvadex and Letrozole are all I got. Can I use either of these to control bloat on this cycle effectively? If so which one should I use and at what dose??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Canada, Singapore
    Looks like a nice Test/ DHT/ nor-19 combo. Should be potent.

    You are unable to have some Adex shipped in from the sponsor at the top of the page?

    Maybe go easy on the carbs and sodium?

  3. #3
    Liquidex from arr @ 25mg eod worked for me!! Also drol caused me to bloat as well wen i was on, if ur like me i always wake up with a puffy face normally so wat worked for me was to take my drol later in the day to control the bloaty face. I hated hearing "dam ur face is gettin fat" LOL

  4. #4
    Just a question regarding the fact that you said arimidex helps for bloating. If arimidex prvents buid up of oestrogen, then you are saying oestrogen causes bloating.

    So why does Deca then also cause bloating of the face (this is said to increase progesterone, not oestrogen) ??

    The downside of the arimidex is that because it potentiates the test, the acne becomes worse (this was the experience)


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    IMO stop the deca at week 12. Let the test run 2 weeks longer than the deca to help with recovery. Also, no need in doing 100mg/ed of Anadrol. 50mg is plenty for Anadrol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    blue trunks
    eat clean and take the lero eod and the bloat shouldn't be bad

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Age and stats?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    Age and stats?
    12-13% bf
    cycle #4

    Also let me clear something up. I DO have arimidex and I have used it before. However, I have reasons to believe its fake because I noticed abosutely no difference in terms of bloat when I used it during my previous cycle. And currently I'm in the middle east for a little bit, so I cant order and I dont trust the stuff here.
    Last edited by Wayacrucis; 10-23-2010 at 03:24 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    i am on .25/ED liquidex from ARR and it works well. I would recommend

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Wayacrucis View Post
    12-13% bf
    cycle #4

    Also let me clear something up. I DO have arimidex and I have used it before. However, I have reasons to believe its fake because I noticed abosutely no difference in terms of bloat when I used it during my previous cycle. And currently I'm in the middle east for a little bit, so I cant order and I dont trust the stuff here.
    Thats almost 2000mg/wk total AAS per wekk!

    You really think you NEED 750mg/wk Test?

    When did you up it from 500mg/wk? Were you still gaining from 500mg/wk Test?

    At those stats I see no reason why you can gain on 250-500mg/wk Test Enan with either Anadrol or Deca combined at a low dose of 50mg/ED or 400mg/wk Deca.

  11. #11
    if your really prone to water weight gain you should avoid taking AAS that causes water weight gain. Deca, High dose test e, anadrol all cause water weight. You should look into a low dose test cycle with tren and proviron next time. I am also prone to water weight gain and always use Schering proviron 50mg ed with all my cycles to keep my face water weight free. The first time i ever did a deca/test cycle everyone was telling me im getting fat because i had gained so much water weight in my face. Moon face really sucks, especially if u go out partying every week like i do.

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