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Thread: Sust/deca/var cycle help

  1. #1

    Question Sust/deca/var cycle help

    Hi, ive been lurking here for a while and decided i would post since i have a cycle coming up.

    I am just looking for advice/ opinions on my cycle

    using this to help become proportionate and REALLY lean up before I begin to strictly clean bulk all summer.

    Planning to start mid December for a 12 week cycle.

    week 1-4:
    sust:175 mon and thurs
    deca:150 mon and thurs
    adex:.5 mon and thurs

    week 5-12:
    sust:175 mon and thurs
    deca:150 mon and thurs
    adex:.5 mon and thurs
    var: 60mg split into 4 doses daily

    pct:3 weeks after last shot/dose
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    i am not prone to side effects besides water retintion
    Last edited by lawsonlats; 10-25-2010 at 11:35 AM.

  2. #2
    any advice, comments, or opinons would be greatly appreciated

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis

    Previous cycles?

  4. #4
    I am 22. Do not tell me I am too young. I have had my test levels tested and was offered hormone therapy but decided id take it into my own hands.

    This will be my third cycle.

    First was test only. Sust 250 ew x 10 weeks

    Second was test and winny

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    So are you doing PCT or what?

    If you have naturally low levels, why wouldn't you go under a docs supervision and get HRT, at least for quality of life?

  6. #6
    He only offered testin(the generic androgel).

    I felt that if I was going to have to pay as much as I was then I would just start a legit cycle

  7. #7
    He only offered testin(the generic androgel).

    I felt that if I was going to have to pay as much as I was then I would just start a legit cycle

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    If you have the money at all and are suffering from low T at your age look into a new product called Nebido and search out a TRT clinic that is receptive to its usage. It is an newly formulated injectable that maintains very stable blood levels and only has to be injected 4-5 times per yr in most cases. I read an article on it by Marcus 300 one of the vets on this board who use it personally and he said it is far and away better than any TRT he has used in the past.

    If you do suffer from low test levels, particularly at 22, I would think (I am new and may be wrong, just food for thought) that you need a steady dosage of test, that is cycling would be very likely to make your problem a lot worse and might endanger you likelhood of getting legit TRT due to doctors fears about being a coprescriber with the patient.

    Also if you did go on the Nebido, this would give you months between doctor visits and lab work where you could add other substances, not that I would recommend that...just pointing it out.
    Last edited by Far from massive; 10-25-2010 at 03:22 PM.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    If you have the money at all and are suffering from low T at your age look into a new product called Nebido and search out a TRT clinic that is receptive to its usage. It is an newly formulated injectable that maintains very stable blood levels and only has to be injected 4-5 times per yr in most cases. I read an article on it by Marcus 300 one of the vets on this board who use it personally and he said it is far and away better than any TRT he has used in the past.

    If you do suffer from low test levels, particularly at 22, I would think (I am new and may be wrong, just food for thought) that you need a steady dosage of test, that is cycling would be very likely to make your problem a lot worse and might endanger you likelhood of getting legit TRT due to doctors fears about being a coprescriber with the patient.

    Also if you did go on the Nebido, this would give you months between doctor visits and lab work where you could add other substances, not that I would recommend that...just pointing it out.
    thank you for the advice. i will look into this

    but i am set on this cycle. i am just looking for advice of comments on it

  10. #10

    come on guys. im looking for some input

  11. #11
    what was your pct like after your previous cycles? what age were you on your previous cycles? how long were your previous cycles? how much time did you take off between your previous cycles? and how long after your cycle/pct did you get your blood tests?

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