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Thread: HGH Newbie proposed cycle please help

  1. #1

    Lightbulb HGH Newbie proposed cycle please help

    Ok so I have spent countless hours searching the net on how to run this stuff. Bottom line is I run it for at least 6 months. I have 4 kits to work with so I have to stretch it out, this is what I have come up with.

    Week 1: 1ui - 5 on 2 off
    week 2: 1.5ui - 5 on 2 off
    week 3: 2ui - 5 on 2 off
    week 4: 2.5ui - 5 on 2 off
    week 5: 3ui - 5 on 2 off
    week 6: 3.5ui - 5 on 2 off
    week 7-24: 4ui - 5 on 2 off

    Week 1-8 Tbol 25mg ed
    Week 1-15 EQ 400mg
    week 1-16 Test E 200mg
    week 18-20 PCT ( haven't put it together yet, All I have access to right now is Nolvadex and Clomid will that suffice???)

    My stats are:
    27.5 years old (hopefully that extra half year will stop people telling me I am too young for HGH Haha)
    9.7% BF (Just had skin fold test done not sure how accurate it is)

    My goals for this cycle are to get to 195lbs 5-6%BF. Also to help repair damaged bicep Tendon (shoulder). Not looking to get HUGE just quality lean mass with low BF while maintaining Cardio/Athletic ability. Will my method of HGH be effective??

    Before you tell my to up the Test know that I am very prone to gyno, I don"t want the bloating and I have read research that claims Testosterone reduces collagen synthesis buy more than 50% which will not help my shoulder. If you have Scientific research or extensive personal experience as to why I should run a higher dose of Test please chime in but if you are just going to say it because you have heard everyone else say it keep it to your self. Other than that all advice is welcome and very much appreciated, Thank you =)

  2. #2

  3. #3
    anyone??? SlimmerMe?? ScotchGuard?? Where you at?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    USA and many other places
    2.5 plus 27.5 ='s 30....
    Looks like a good ramp to me. And cautious which will prevent sides. If you get to the 3 unit mark and want to hold a bit longer to drag it out another week or 2 or even 3 or more.... then by all means do so.. since you are not looking for mass but lean...

    Are you planning to pin AM? hope so....

    you do know that I do not condone HGH at 27.5...but you already knew that.
    Last edited by SlimmerMe; 11-26-2010 at 07:54 PM.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimmerMe View Post
    Are you planning to pin AM? hope so....
    Yes I plan to pin 2 hours before I get out of bed in the morning and once I get up to 4ui I may split the dosage 2ui in the morning and 2iu in the afternoon

  6. #6
    Hey, 27.5 is the perfect age to start GH! (I was born in Feb of '83 and started running it about 6 weeks ago). As for your cycle, I know it might be impossible to wait, but I would still run the HGH for a few weeks before beginning the Test, Eq and Dbol to maximize synergistic effect. For me it took awhile before it really started kicking in, although (and I did not practice what I am preaching here) I used it as a post-cycle bridge to maintain gains during my last cycle. I plan on running it for a few more months, taking a few more months as a break, then starting it up again and only after 6 or so weeks will I run another 10-12 week AAS cycle.

    You are doing a long cycle though so by the time the GH kicks in you will still have plenty of time for the two types of compounds to work together effectively. I am assuming you are running the test to keep your levels up while on the Deca, and as a bloater myself (thankfully no gyno issues) I can understand wanting to keep it low.

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