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Thread: dihydroboldenone (1-testosterone)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    dihydroboldenone (1-testosterone)

    I am looking for more information on 1-test. I am going to be purchaseing some sometime soon and still have been unable to find all that much info on it. Ive really only seen a few logs on it. The ones I have read they either ran it while cruising, ran it at a very low dose, or for a very short time. I havent really been able to fully eveauate what this drug can do. I have big expectations, as Masteron gave me phenominal results at 700 a week while cutting, and I expect this to be more anabolic and better at hardening/strengthening.

    What dose did you run it at?
    What were your results?
    Is the pain from it really that bad?
    What was the mg/ml of your brew? Did it use gso, EO or some mix?

    Just so you all know, in case you havent seen me around, I am 30 years old, have multiple cycles under my belt with aas including winstrol, tren, decca, npp, eq, primo (for a short time, it was too painfull) anavar, test.

    I am looking to have a very lean bulking cycle. I do what many would consider to be an outragious amount of cardio, but my goals lie first with combat sports and a distant second with bodybuilding. I plan to use a medium to medium high amount of test prop along with the 1-test. I may be convinced to run NPP as well, as i know many guys do extremely well with Test, a DHT (in this case a DHB) and a 19-nor.

    Npp always makes me bloat quite a bit, so thats still up in the air. I think I will run the 1-test cypionate at 700 a week, double dosing the first week.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Dont know much about 1-test and you are going to start at 700 a week.WOW the most I seen it ran at was 400 per.Wats your hurry.You cant buy your way to the top.You got to pay your dues!!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    I ran it at 600mg and it was amazing!

    I would liken it to tren

    crazy night sweats, high androgenic sides, acne, BP, Prostate

    Made me strong as hell

    It will shut you down really hard so run test with it!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    hard to brew this one, keep it no more than 200mg/ml


    some have crazy painful batches if you do cut it down to 150mg and you'll have a painless solution

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Dont know much about 1-test and you are going to start at 700 a week.WOW the most I seen it ran at was 400 per.Wats your hurry.You cant buy your way to the top.You got to pay your dues!!!!

    Its basically Primo that is slightly stronger. Ive seen guys run Primo at over 2 grams a week. Now Im not saying thats smart, but Ive ran Tren ace at 700 a week just fine and I dont see how DHB is going to give me worse sides than Trenbolone. Just because most guys run stuff very low or very high doesnt mean thats the right thing to do. I based my decision to run this at 700 (or more) on my previous experience with primo, masteron, and the aas with the worst sides ive taken, Trenbolone. I think many guys who have run it at small doses do so because cost is a limiting factor. Look how many guys try to run Var at 20mg a day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    How long did you run it at 600?
    I have read that guys liken it to tren. I think many AAS that are highly androgenic give many of those same sides. I get very sweaty all the time on any cycle, get night sweats with any 19-nor. I have some accutane I plan on running at, get this-4-5 mg a day. It works great for me at that dose, and while thaqt doesnt kill my sebacus glands, the only sides I get from it at that dose is zero acne and dry lips.
    I will be running test with it, I plan to run test with all of my cycles. Since this will be a bulk cycle I plan on using 75-100 mg of prop per day. If i was cutting I would use 150mg a week. Test makes me feel pretty great, and PCT (no test) makles me feel pretty terrible, so the choice is easy for me!

    Would you liken the strength gains to tren? If so then I am very excited!
    How well did you gain? How well did you retain muscle?
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2 View Post
    I ran it at 600mg and it was amazing!

    I would liken it to tren

    crazy night sweats, high androgenic sides, acne, BP, Prostate

    Made me strong as hell

    It will shut you down really hard so run test with it!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan2 View Post
    hard to brew this one, keep it no more than 200mg/ml


    some have crazy painful batches if you do cut it down to 150mg and you'll have a painless solution
    What carier did you use with that recipe? I was debating the cost of using EO or half EO half GSO. Everything i normally make is 2%ba, 20%bb. I will try your recipe though. I was goin to make it at 100, but i didnt want to be having to shoot that much oil everyday. 200mg/ml would be a lot better. I guess making it at 200 makes more sense anyway, as I can go to 100 mg/ml just by filtering in some more oil.

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