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Thread: Insulin only cycle: would it work?

  1. #1

    Insulin only cycle: would it work?

    hey guys,

    I'm not new to the bodybuilding scene. I've done a couple of cycles, but it's really expensive for me, and I don't think I can afford to keep doing roids. I'm thinking of doing an insulin-only cycle. From what I've read it works almost as well, and is much cheaper. Would this work? Or would I just get fat?

  2. #2
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    Please wait to hear from the insulin guys here. Meantime I will gather up some links for you to read over.
    Insulin can be VERY tricky. With one wrong move; it is all over.

    Could you please post your stats? This will be needed for more personalized advice. Thank you.

  3. #3
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    If you cant afford to keep doing gear then you certainly need not to be using insulin. While it initially is cheaper, theres a lot to get in order to make it work good for muscle and not buidling fat. You will need a tub of dextrose or some other simple carb drink. Then you need 8-10g of simple carbs PER IU you take DAILY... then you need to sort out your protein intake as it has affects on how its transported into the muscle via Slin. Then theres your meals you NEED to eat 1.5 hours after every slin shot bc you CANNOT eat anything with fat in it. But beyond ALL that.... running slin alone just isnt effective. It needs to be run WITH aas to get desired results, or you will just be storing fat and getting fatter. Bottom line is there is no easy way out. No cheap way. If you cant afford aas, slin isnt for you and you need to go back to being natty.

  4. #4
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    Well Vettewreck came around sooner than I expected.
    YOU are a lucky man to get this advice. I was about to post his threads for the links I mentioned. So you have heard it from the top now. Good Luck! and keep hanging around and keep asking more questions because this is serious business.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by vettewreck View Post
    If you cant afford to keep doing gear then you certainly need not to be using insulin. While it initially is cheaper, theres a lot to get in order to make it work good for muscle and not buidling fat. You will need a tub of dextrose or some other simple carb drink. Then you need 8-10g of simple carbs PER IU you take DAILY... then you need to sort out your protein intake as it has affects on how its transported into the muscle via Slin. Then theres your meals you NEED to eat 1.5 hours after every slin shot bc you CANNOT eat anything with fat in it. But beyond ALL that.... running slin alone just isnt effective. It needs to be run WITH aas to get desired results, or you will just be storing fat and getting fatter. Bottom line is there is no easy way out. No cheap way. If you cant afford aas, slin isnt for you and you need to go back to being natty.
    just as a matter of interest, i take for granted that its during the active 1.5-2hrs of humalog that you shouldnt consume fats as this is the period were nutrients are shuttled into the muscles? ok to consume fats out of this window? sorry for the minor hijack OP

  6. #6
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    Active hours for Humalog is like 4 hours so I try to eat things high in calories, high protein, high carbs but with LOW fat. I also do alot of BCAA during this time and Glutamine. And yeah fats are ok outside that... at least thats the theory lol

  7. #7
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    What opinions if any do you have regarding slin and hgh, with no aas? Presently giving myself an extended break from aas but doing 5iu hgh daily. Wondering if it is worthwhile to add slin? Proper nutrition post slin would not be a problem

  8. #8
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    Id still wouldnt run slin without at least Test to help shuttling blood into the muscle for pumps and therefor nutrients.

  9. #9
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    I am super curious about this as well... I was thinking it could really be beneficial in pct if you could find a way to keep the fat off. Could you run it in 2on/2off cycles concurrent with clen and benedryl? My understanding is clen is anti-catabolic as well, but via a different mechanism. Would that make any sense?

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by sadukar View Post
    I am super curious about this as well... I was thinking it could really be beneficial in pct if you could find a way to keep the fat off. Could you run it in 2on/2off cycles concurrent with clen and benedryl? My understanding is clen is anti-catabolic as well, but via a different mechanism. Would that make any sense?
    i wouldnt be using it during pct, best used when you are training all out

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  12. #12
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    I've been confused on the subject too...
    The consensus in this thread (though it's a bit older than this one)
    is that it's still effective without AAS, though of course less effective than combined with AAS. I was considering using it along with SARM MK-2886, IGF, MGF, GHRP-2 and CJC-1295 between cycles. I'm thinking that if the opinion that inslin with AAS is good, but alone, the opinion is divided, then the odds are good that with the support of the other compounds it'll be ok to good.


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