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I used to swear by Incline and Flat BB presses. Hated decline. Thought it was a waste of time. Boy, was I wrong. Decline bench is the most critical chess building exersize. There are a lot of guys on here who can show proof of that. There was a big thread about this last year, I'll try to find it. The bottom line is, standard incline press (45 degree or even 30 degree) works wayyy too much delts and not enough chest. My chest routine consists of 3 sets of Decline BB and 3 sets of 20 degree incline presses (smith or DBs). Then I'll finish off with 3 sets of Flies, Cables, or a Pec Dec. 20 degree incline hits both flat and incline in one exersize without overtraining chest or delts.. This is the best my chest has ever looked. Just something to think about.