Hi, I've been cycling with Var for the last 18 months and have had great results. Not only had it put on weight, but it gives me that "pumped" look. I maintain some of the results when I go off the var, but it's not good enough. My income depends on my look, so I may stay on the var all the time. I have had great results doing 15-20mg a day and may do around 10-15mg a day. I know some people think var will not work unless you take 60-100mg, but the low dose put 15-20 pounds of muscle on me at my peak. It seems like nothing compared to the guys that put on 50-75 pounds running test, but it is perfect for the look I'm trying to achieve.
I know there is a possibility of liver damage, decreased sex drive, increased ldl's and decreased hdl's. I had some blood work done when I finished my last cycle and everything was perfect. I plan on getting it done during my cycle to test for liver and heart problems. I plan on doing it for the next five years. I was doing roughly three months on and three months off. I am open to doing six on and two off or something similiar, but I have had a very hard time getting a hold on hcg for the post cycle, so I'm leaning towards staying on with a very low dose. It would help me always keep the weight on since I have so many injury problems. I just don't want to have liver failure and die or have zero sex drive, which would be about as appealing as dying. I'd appreciate any opinions about not cycling. Thank you for all the wonderful information this board supplies.
Age 38
height 5-6
weight 155
bf 9%
years training 26