I have asked a a million people about doing a cycle and all everyone says is no way man diet and exercise is all you need. or your not ready for that yet you need to get your body as big as you can naturally first, which i agree with. Ive been lifting for about 3 1/2 years now from 6'6 180 to around 210. Im not trying to get raged out just want that last boost to get up to around 220 and i have hit a huuuge plateau. i still want to lift for 4 to 6 more months before i start anything but i just wanted to start researching now. My question is what is the best way to prepare for the cycle. Also, if i do a cycle and gain x amount when im off the cycle will i lose all of it or just as much as with any other supp? What strand am i looking for? etc... again i realize my own ignorance just looking for some insight for a solid cycle, and advice on good places to research more. I have alot of homework to do on this subject and thought this may be a good place to start. Thanks