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Thread: Prolactin sides on Deca, Caber or Prami or?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
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    Prolactin sides on Deca, Caber or Prami or?

    I am wondering what you guys prefer to deal with prolactin sides from Deca usage.

    I am doing a cycle of Cyp 600mg/wk and Deca 400mg/wk, I am not having any problems currently (4 wks in) but figure this is probably a good time to ask and get some just in case.

    Advice from vets/mods or those who have actually used both would be greatly appreciated.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    The point of no return.
    I've used both.
    I'm currently running prami (test e & tren h) and finding that it is quite effective.
    Caber is often more expensive but I feel that it is easier to work with.
    Prami took a week or two to build up to 1mg per day. I split the dose as follows:
    .25mg morning
    .25mg evening
    .50mg night

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
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    Thanks for the reply, I was beggining to think no one had used both.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    The point of no return.
    No one else ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    I am wondering what you guys prefer to deal with prolactin sides from Deca usage.

    I am doing a cycle of Cyp 600mg/wk and Deca 400mg/wk, I am not having any problems currently (4 wks in) but figure this is probably a good time to ask and get some just in case.

    Advice from vets/mods or those who have actually used both would be greatly appreciated.


    You should have some on hand IMHO, but the increase in PRL from progestins directly is rare.

    If you didnt have a D2-agonist, you could stop the Deca or bump your AI dose unitl you do get some IMHO.

    There is also Vit-B6.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by eGGz View Post
    I've used both.
    I'm currently running prami (test e & tren h) and finding that it is quite effective.
    Caber is often more expensive but I feel that it is easier to work with.
    Prami took a week or two to build up to 1mg per day. I split the dose as follows:
    .25mg morning
    .25mg evening
    .50mg night
    Theres some side effects from PRAMI if you take too much too soon.
    This is a good way to do it. Split it up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto View Post
    You should have some on hand IMHO, but the increase in PRL from progestins directly is rare.

    If you didnt have a D2-agonist, you could stop the Deca or bump your AI dose unitl you do get some IMHO.

    There is also Vit-B6.
    Thanks for the reply but I would still like to know which you feel is better to use? I have easy access to either through a buddy till I get my own. But when I order my own I would like to get what is best, if they are both about the same I will go with Caber as I can get it in pill form so if I can get enough to keep on hand for the next couple of years, plus it's cheaper. However if prami is a lot better its probably worth the extra money.



  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by eGGz View Post
    I've used both.
    I'm currently running prami (test e & tren h) and finding that it is quite effective.
    Caber is often more expensive but I feel that it is easier to work with.
    Prami took a week or two to build up to 1mg per day. I split the dose as follows:
    .25mg morning
    .25mg evening
    .50mg night

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