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Thread: How long can I run Tren E for??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    The Gym

    How long can I run Tren E for??

    Hey all,

    Current stats.
    bf 12%

    Jut finishing my first "real cycle". Done D-bol only before. First real cycle was Sust for 14 wks with winny for last 5
    Really liked the sust....although I don't have much to compare it to...haha

    Looking forward to a cycle this summer. So here is what I was thinking.

    Sust 1-10wks @ 3x250mg shot mon/wed/fri
    Tren E 2-6 wks @ 2x200mg shot with sust on mon and fri
    Winny 4-12wks @ 1ml EOD.

    Nolva 100/100/50/50
    Clomid 40/40/20/20
    HCG throughout from weeks 3-12. 500iu every 4 days.

    My real question is can I run Tren E for longer then 5 weeks. I've heard mixed reviews on it. A few friends of mine with more cycle experience said with the sides and all they wouldn't and don't run it for more then 5 weeks....But I've also read of people running it for 10 weeks plus.......

    Any Opinions.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by WSC786 View Post
    Hey all,

    Current stats.
    bf 12%

    Jut finishing my first "real cycle". Done D-bol only before. First real cycle was Sust for 14 wks with winny for last 5
    Really liked the sust....although I don't have much to compare it to...haha

    Looking forward to a cycle this summer. So here is what I was thinking.

    Sust 1-10wks @ 3x250mg shot mon/wed/fri
    Tren E 2-6 wks @ 2x200mg shot with sust on mon and fri
    Winny 4-12wks @ 1ml EOD.

    Nolva 100/100/50/50
    Clomid 40/40/20/20
    HCG throughout from weeks 3-12. 500iu every 4 days.

    My real question is can I run Tren E for longer then 5 weeks. I've heard mixed reviews on it. A few friends of mine with more cycle experience said with the sides and all they wouldn't and don't run it for more then 5 weeks....But I've also read of people running it for 10 weeks plus.......

    Any Opinions.

    tren is a compound for guys with more than 1 or 2 cycles under their belt, sides can be tough.
    secondly tren e wont even get kicking until weeks 4-5. hold off on tren and do more research.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    WELL IF i WERE YOU I would get a few more cycles under your belt before doing tren.Now tren eth You need to run 8 to 10 weeks.But having never run tren b4.I would run tren ace.That way if you cant handle it.You stop its out of your system fast.With the eth ester.You got to wait a while.Now tren ace kicks in fast.But the sides dont till week 5.Eth a lil longer.I have no idea wat ur friends are talkin about.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Domestic US
    Tren e @ 5wks won't do a thing for you. Tren A can be run for 6wk, 8 for the more advanced user.
    As a second cycle I would strongly suggest you stay away from tren. You are not ready my friend.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Agree with others, hold off on the tren for a second cycle. Also dont be in such a rush to bang out the cycles on after another lol. It gets addicting. Be sure to take ample time off in between and dont get crazy with the doses, you'll just make your body acclimate to them if you will and will need higher doses the longer you use to achieve the same results.

    Personally i think sust was a bad choice for a first cycle mainly due to the different esters in it and the varying sides that come with each. Not to mention the more frequent inj. needed to fully stabilize all esters in the blood. To each his own though if it worked for you good deal.

    You also need to keep in perspective your goals. If you're looking for a bulk then the tren E and sust work if you want a cleaner/leaner bulk (depending on diet) tren A, prop..... But like a couple of us said i'd hold off on the tren for #2. there's other compounds you can throw in to experiment with if you're so inclined.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    The Gym
    Thanks guys. I'll do more research. Maybe also the possibility of me mis-understanding what my buddys said. I will check into that. Thats why I throw things on here for the Vets and their opinion.

    Thanks again.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    To the OP.....

    It seems like you got the idea to stay away form tren for now ahaha but I would also suggest not going up to 750mg's of test just yet. It's your second cycle man..... why rush the dosage? You will only grow so much in a given period..... that extra 250mg's wont give you enough to justify using it. I've been doin this for years..... at 253lbs I still havn't gone over 750mg's of test.

    My suggestion:

    500 mg's test - 12 weeks
    30mg Dbol - 4 weeks


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    ^^^^ Good thread about growing into your dosages.....


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