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Thread: should i worry ???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    should i worry ???

    Genepharm test 400

    testosterone enthanate 200mgs
    testosterone cypionate 200mgs
    benzyl alcohol 2.3%
    benzyl benzoate 18%
    ethyl oleate, sesame oil.

    last time injected was monday 1/2 ml in each delt and when woke this morning just below injection site on left delt theres a lil bit of swelling and its red and hot is that nething to worry about ??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    the skin also feels tight..

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    pharm grade is the way to go

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    I've never had an infection or absess or anything like that. I have also never used Genepharm Test 400. The only discomfort I've ever experienced has been from Propionate and it always hurts the morning after the day of the shot. I have never gotten any swelling or redness as you've described. The fact that its only on one delt would be concerning to me.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by nmc2010 View Post
    benzyl alcohol 2.3%
    That is a high concentration and could cause redness and swelling all by itself, but that ought to be in both delts, not just one. Human grade is not this high, because they are not as worried about whether their product is sterile. Also, the 400 mg dosing requires higher BA content. Also, the high mg/ml I have heard of redness, swelling, and pain<--- Maybe just because of the high BA content.

    I had to stop my first cycle (300mg/ml) because of redness, swelling, and pain.
    Last edited by oldnsedentary; 03-04-2011 at 05:15 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Phuket Thailand/Brooklyn
    I would also be concerned because you shot on Monday, and it didn't bother you until this morning right? Thats 3 or 4 days later. Usually the hurting starts the next day (if you're using AAS known to hurt after injections ie Winstrol/Propionate). The fact that it took 3 days to bother you, could mean that bacteria needed that amount of time to grow. I'm not a doctor, but I would get it checked out if it gets worse.

  7. #7
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    To those responding, this same subject has been covered in another thread where he was asking about his cycle and he has been advised to seek medical attention by me and another member (which he has agreed to) for the reasons Flacco stated above (time to onset and heat). Also another factor that was the tipping point for me was on the other thread he mentioned that the skin is starting to get tight and is not as red but still is hot...I have advised him that the skin tightening is a sign of an abscess beginning so he should not wait (particularly at 20 and with little experience) since if he treats it now he may be able to avoid the abscess formation.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    thanks all made a appointment for the docs cant go untill wednesday as they are fully booked... should i be ok just just tell them what iv been taking? i live the UK.. plus i went to the gym yday chest training was fine but when i treid training arms swelling got wourse so is wednesday abit long to wait?

  9. #9
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    An Linne Rosach
    Quote Originally Posted by nmc2010 View Post
    thanks all made a appointment for the docs cant go untill wednesday as they are fully booked... should i be ok just just tell them what iv been taking? i live the UK.. plus i went to the gym yday chest training was fine but when i treid training arms swelling got wourse so is wednesday abit long to wait?
    If you think that you cant wait go to the hospital and they will check you out as long as there is no tracks running from the site this is a sign that the infection is starting to travel

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    is it cool to tell them what iv taken?

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    An Linne Rosach
    Yes be up front that way they know what there dealing with plus the only thing that happens is you records show that your a bodybuilder and you use gear I went for full check up and told the doc got the lecture on how bad this is for you and so on but he was cool they cant tell anyone private and confidential

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    upstate ny
    bro wed is to late go to hospital now.
    Quote Originally Posted by nmc2010 View Post
    thanks all made a appointment for the docs cant go untill wednesday as they are fully booked... should i be ok just just tell them what iv been taking? i live the UK.. plus i went to the gym yday chest training was fine but when i treid training arms swelling got wourse so is wednesday abit long to wait?

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by Flacco View Post
    I would also be concerned because you shot on Monday, and it didn't bother you until this morning right? Thats 3 or 4 days later. Usually the hurting starts the next day (if you're using AAS known to hurt after injections ie Winstrol/Propionate). The fact that it took 3 days to bother you, could mean that bacteria needed that amount of time to grow. I'm not a doctor, but I would get it checked out if it gets worse.
    I am not a doctor, either, but 3-4 days was when my swelling showed up, and it was hot to the tough, but it was no infection. I was this close (thumb and forefinger together) to going to the doctor, but it cleared up after a week. No more of that high concentration gear for me. It went straight into the trash can after the third injection.

  14. #14
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    To those responding, this same subject has been covered in another thread where he was asking about his cycle and he has been advised to seek medical attention by me and another member (which he has agreed to) for the reasons Flacco stated above (time to onset and heat). Also another factor that was the tipping point for me was on the other thread he mentioned that the skin is starting to get tight and is not as red but still is hot...I have advised him that the skin tightening is a sign of an abscess beginning so he should not wait (particularly at 20 and with little experience) since if he treats it now he may be able to avoid the abscess formation.
    Well then, there you go. Nice find FFM.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by nmc2010 View Post
    Genepharm test 400

    testosterone enthanate 200mgs
    testosterone cypionate 200mgs
    benzyl alcohol 2.3%
    benzyl benzoate 18%
    ethyl oleate, sesame oil.

    last time injected was monday 1/2 ml in each delt and when woke this morning just below injection site on left delt theres a lil bit of swelling and its red and hot is that nething to worry about ??
    Genepharm? do you mean the Greek pharmaceutical co.?

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