last cycle was 4 yrs ago, best part of it for me was my insatiable sex drive
did deca/test/tren, was awesome, had sex 7 times in one day with a lady ive been with for over 10 yrs!
anyways, i want to have so more fun with her(shes 30, libido through the roof)
in terms of having the most fun with the least sides and rebound time, what do you all suggest?
im thinking a 6-8 week 100mg eod test prop cycle with hcg 2x week, aromasin 12.5 per day
i also have access to npp, love it for the joints, but dont know how long it will draw out the rebound of coming off
is the decanote ester the culprit in hard nandrolone shutdowns(with the half like being 10 days which would take at least a month if not more to get out of your system)
or is it the nandrolone itself?
im pretty confident my own test production will be nill by the end of the cycle with or without the npp
suggestions welcome