marcus300 interviews RANA
marcus300: Where do you live in the world?
RANA: In the Good Old US of A, Mountain area
marcus300: What are your stats?
RANA: 5’9” 225lbs. 12% 38 yrs old
marcus300: What was it like growing up in your family?
RANA: Miserable, every time my father came home I was wondering how bad he was going to beat me. The worst part was that I was closer to that SOB then anyone else, plus he was a cop and he could get away with anything then. I have not spoken to him in 20 years and I never will.
marcus300: Why do you think your father use to beat you?
RANA: No sure, I would assume because I would be defiant during those beatings and I know he did not like that.
marcus300:Why was you kicked out of your house when you was young and where did you go to live?
RANA: I told my mom “now I know why dad left you!” and she told me to get out. So I grabbed a couple of garbage bags and put my close in there. The first 2 months I lived under a bridge (during summer and fall time period). I used to shower at school and no one knew. One morning I woke up to a chilly morning and knew winter was around the corner so I ask a guy I hardly knew if I could stay the night. He went home to ask and they said yes. I lived with them for two years and I love then all so very much. They are my second family.
marcus300: Do you still see your mother or is the relationship with her like you and your fathers?
RANA: I see my mom about once a month or every other month, our relationship is lukewarm. She thinks everything is fine because I think she purposely forgot my childhood, but that's not why I am upset with her. I think she sucks as a grandmother, hardly spends time with my kids. I have not spoke to my father in about 20 years, my kids will never meet him!
marcus300:Whats the worst thing you have seen during your time in the army and what is the worse you have done?
RANA: I was never in the army only the navy. I have lost two good friends in my unit next to me, that is worst I have ever seen and still see day in and day out. I have never done something unwarranted in my actions so it would be difficult for me to answer what is the worst thing I have ever done.
marcus300:Have you ever killed anyone in battle?
RANA: Yes, a few
Members question: Could you kill someone for a million $'s if you knew you wouldnt get caught?
RANA: No, there are consequences for everyone’s actions, but to simply kill (Murder) for money to me is foolish. There are a lot of things I could get away with in my life to but I do have a conscience. Having said that, I could do it if that person deserved it, such as a pedophile.
marcus300:Have you had any injuries from your line of work?
RANA: Numerous, I have TBI Tramatic Brian Injury, I was blown up and have both short term and long term memory loss, my back and neck are ****ed up, I am legally deaf in my right ear and partially deaf in my left. My feet are screwed up, It used to hurt to walk or stand but I have been in PT so it's getting better. There are some others but I would need a few more pages…lol
marcus300: What other jobs have you had?
RANA: I have been working since I was 14, as a busboy, work at other miscellaneous fast food places and a shoe store this was all before the age of 18
marcus300: Tell our readers about your involvement with books?
RANA: All pertain to military actions conducted overseas.
marcus300: Are you married and do you have any children?
RANA: Happily married with two boys
marcus300: If you could change something about your past, what would it be?
RANA: I wouldn’t change a thing, if I make one slight change back then, my life would have taken another turn and I am very happy so far with my outcome! and I wish I treated my wife better in the beginning of our marriage. I am more open with her and much more emotional now, I was not like that before.
marcus300:What does a typical day look like for you?
RANA: Up at 0430, have breakfast (8 egg whites, ½ cup dry oats, coffee) 0600 gym 0830 work Everyday is different and sometimes I work late and sometimes I don’t, my hours can vary. In bed by midnight I sleep about 3-4 hours a night if I am lucky
marcus300: You told me that you have met 2 prime Minister's, 2 US Presidents, 4 Foreign Presidents and 1 Dictator, tell me how these all came about?
RANA: Mainly from my military experiences, on a few occasions I received a couple of awards from those nations. Some were dignitary protection while others were some sort of celebration with the host nation. Plus I also had to brief a few on certain matters.
Members question: One of the principal arguments of the literature for over 3,000 years is the war. As every experience, the war becomes an inevitably tale; as that of Troia from which probably is the Western tradition, as the war in Bosnia. The point of departure is the close relationship between war and narrative. Without a story the human events would be without reason and tragically invisible. And this the Greek understood soon, even if they did so mainly through the exaltation of the hero.So, do you believe it is correct to carry out a narration of a war?
RANA: I don’t understand if you’re basing this about me in personal tale or as in a nation’s tale? If this is regarding me then I would have to say I have no tales to tell, my wife has no clue nor does she ask about my ventures in my military life. The only people that know what has transpired in my actions of war are the ones that have served with me or that have been in my units.If this is regarding a nation’s tale, I would assume that whom ever is the victor they can write there own history. I hope I answered this correctly.
Members question:As regards the American literature, it should be recalled that the United States are a nation that is born with the ambition to be nothing less than a new world impervious to degeneration of the old Europe, but ends up, in turn of a relatively short time, to become "Imperium Mundi". Both in the myths that concern his foundation, and in speeches that accompany its ascent to power in the world, the problem of war and violence occupies a position absolutely central. In social history of the nation, the turning point, the watershed was the second world war.What do you think about that conflict?
RANA: What do I think about WWII? Well if you recall America wanted nothing to do with either WW. My personal belief that it was extremely necessary for our involvement, it’s difficult to find others that would disagree here in America today. At that time the US military really wasn’t that powerful. But after knowing all the atrocities committed by both the Nazi’s and the Japanese it is hard to image someone could be against our involvement.
Members question:The United Nations Organization is a central position in global effort to resolve the problems that afflict the humanity and pursues this objective by cooperating with more than 30 affiliated organizations, together known as the United Nations system. Founded in 1945 from 51 states intend to preserve the peace through international cooperation and the principle of collective security.At least this is what common people are goaded and induced to believe.Are you one of those people?
RANA: No, the United Nation is so damn corrupted. What have they done to make things better? Nothing!!! Where were they in Rawanda? The only thing they do is line there pockets with humanitarian money. They are no better then a common criminal. I personally believe they should dismantle the U.N.
marcus300: Who would you most like to meet from AR?
RANA: Wow there are so many and each have there reasons but my top 3 would be, BIG, MERC, and Dukkitdalaw. I know I would love to add a couple more.
marcus300: What as been the highest and lowest times of your life?
RANA: Highest – the birth of my sons
Lowest – they day I said goodbye to my family to go to Iraq, I was not worried about me but I was worried about them
marcus300: What is your biggest weakness and what is your biggest strength?
RANA: My biggest weakness is my mouth, I say what is on my mind and it gets me in trouble. I am very blunt and I am not politically correct, this has cost me in the past and it still cost me now.
My biggest strength is my overall confidence, not cocky be very confident in my abilities!
marcus300:How are you emotionally
RANA: Emotionally I am very strong. Some that have known me over my last 20 years have stated that I have changed. I was considered very cold and unemotional, now they state that since having children as cooled me off from my abrasive self. My kids are made me a better man.
marcus300: What kind of trouble does you mouth get you into, fights or arguments?
RANA: No fights, I stopped fighting along time ago, but I call out co-workers and anyone that is lying to me or is just a moron. I sugarcoat nothing, I say it like it is and some people don’t like that. Even though my mouth does get me in trouble my bosses like it because they have to be P.C. and I don’t and people jump when I talk. Most of my friends say either you love me or hate me, no in-between. Plus I am a major smartass and actually very quick witted.
marcus300: Are you religious?
RANA: I have my faith that Christ died for our sins. I do love God but I never attend a church unless it’s a funeral or wedding.
marcus300: How long have you been training?
RANA: 24 years, many just lifting because years ago I also was a runner, cyclist and swimmer so gaining size was difficult. Know with all my injuries I can no longer run, I hate swimming and cycling is too dangerous. So now I can put on size….
marcus300: What is your AAS history?
RANA: test, test E/dbol, prop/npp and prop/tren a. I’m a late bloomer, I just starting cycling a couple of years ago.
Members question: Name 3 things you couldn't live without, material things!
RANA: Cell phone, car, gun! Not all in that order…
marcus300: 3 wishes, what would you wish for?
RANA: 1. My sons to have a great life 2. My sons to find true happiness 3. For my wife and I to eventually grow old together with our future grandchildren.