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Thread: First time poster questions about Winstrol.

  1. #1

    First time poster questions about Winstrol.

    I was wondering how well would Winstrol would work on it's own, I am not looking to bulk up but to burn fat, to lean out, get that muscular "swimmer's body". I do a lot of cardio as it is, I did have good shape a few yrs back w/ an over the top diet with so many restrictions on top of doing up to 2 hrs of ellyptical a day, but I just lost form and some things happened in my life to put some of the gym/diet stuff backseat in my life, never do this again.

    I was also wondering about the post cycle effect such as estrogen/development of mammary glands, this happened to a friend of mine but he was not on winstrol. And the effects on the skin, I assume a better diet could help this along with the taking of essential oils. And I remember doing research as a kid on steroids for a science project and hearing it was good to take milk thistle with some of this stuff.

    I don't really wanna take fat burners, I heard some of those can be worse than steroids for your body.

    I guess injectables would be the way to go, my friend had pills a a few years back but I don't see him around much anymore.

    Age 27
    Height 6-7 or so
    Weight about 285-290
    Bf% Pretty high, maybe the 20% range
    Cycle history Doctor gave me steroids to clear up whooping cough syndrome at 8, I developed bitch tits I have since had them removed (wish I got this done earlier in my life, high school would of been a lot nicer)
    Years training 5 years

  2. #2
    It just seems like their is a lot of info out there. Too much to digest or too confusing. Bare bones straight facts.

    I am not trying to get bigger by any means, I already find it hard enough to get shirts that can get around my kneck, back, shoulders, etc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Scylla and Charybdis
    Honestly, at your weight the only thing I would recommend is a solid diet and lots of cardio. Lucky for you we have an excellent diet forum.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Savannah GA
    Quote Originally Posted by LimitlessJoe View Post
    It just seems like their is a lot of info out there. Too much to digest or too confusing. Bare bones straight facts.

    I am not trying to get bigger by any means, I already find it hard enough to get shirts that can get around my kneck, back, shoulders, etc.
    I would say lose more BF and stick to your workouts and diet, but I would also include more lifting to build muscle to increase your Metab. I also think you need to keep reading threads on this site to start to learn more about AAS. With a high BF your really prone to gyno.... good luck

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by LimitlessJoe View Post
    I was wondering how well would Winstrol would work on it's own, I am not looking to bulk up but to burn fat, to lean out, get that muscular "swimmer's body". I do a lot of cardio as it is, I did have good shape a few yrs back w/ an over the top diet with so many restrictions on top of doing up to 2 hrs of ellyptical a day, but I just lost form and some things happened in my life to put some of the gym/diet stuff backseat in my life, never do this again.

    I was also wondering about the post cycle effect such as estrogen/development of mammary glands, this happened to a friend of mine but he was not on winstrol. And the effects on the skin, I assume a better diet could help this along with the taking of essential oils. And I remember doing research as a kid on steroids for a science project and hearing it was good to take milk thistle with some of this stuff.

    I don't really wanna take fat burners, I heard some of those can be worse than steroids for your body.

    I guess injectables would be the way to go, my friend had pills a a few years back but I don't see him around much anymore.

    Age 27
    Height 6-7 or so
    Weight about 285-290
    Bf% Pretty high, maybe the 20% range
    Cycle history Doctor gave me steroids to clear up whooping cough syndrome at 8, I developed bitch tits I have since had them removed (wish I got this done earlier in my life, high school would of been a lot nicer)Years training 5 years
    They generally prescribe Albuterol and a corticosteroid for respiratory issues, not anabolic steroids. So your "bitch tits" were probably just from being overweight/and or pubescent.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Hit the diet section bro... Lots of great info there... you can loose 40/50 pounds naturally... really... I am serious... May be some of here new members will say who is this idiot(me) who says you can lose 40/50 pounds naturally... but you really can... You have said you done cardio daily... but IMO you should be doing the cardio thrice a week or 4 days a week... may be mon/wed/thr/sat... high intensity for 30 min or low intensity for 45 min...but not daily...Try this for a month or two... and see what you can pull out of this...

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