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Thread: equapoise cycle!!!!! please respond,

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    equapoise cycle!!!!! please respond,

    hey guys its that time again,
    a little background on myself been training for 5 or 6 yrs now, my stats are 185 lb. 5'10 with about 9 or 10% bf... have one cycle under my belt of deca/test ran deca at 450mg and test at 400mg..for about 10 weeks.. i gained about 18 lb. off my first cycle.. and im getting ready to do my next cycle.

    i wanted to run eq for about 10 weeks at about 400mg a week..and 600mg to front load.and i have some qv test 250 i might drop in there also.

    im not looking to gain a whole lot of weight, im assuming about 8 maybe 12 lb. and i don't want a whole lot of side's thats y im thinking about not taking the test..and i dont want by blood pressure to go up either...i

    have a few questions that i cant seem to find th answers to...
    1) will eq decrease my sex drive?
    2) is eq harsh on the hairline? and is winny?
    3) will eq shrink my nutz?

    i also have winny but i read that it is VERY harsh on the hairline....but i don't think im predisposed to hairloss because on my first cycle there was no real loss, just a little thining after about 6 weeks, but that went away after i was done...but i really dont want to loose my hair!!

    please help guys, im pretty confused!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Right here!Are you blind?
    Eq will shut down your natty test and if you have no test to replace it, it will kill your sex drive.

    Winny is very harsh for hair loss. You are correct. If you want to know if youar predisposed to being bald, look at your mothers brothers. If they are bald you are predisposed to being bald also.

    All AAS shrink your nuts, because they shut down your natural test production.

    IMO Eq only is not a very good cycle. My $.02

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    see my moms bro's and her father all have a full head of hair...but my hairline seems to be moveing back...but also i dont want to bloat thats y i was going to leave the test out..because rigth now im cutting down for summer, so i figured eq would be good for the hardning, and some good strength gains...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Take one shot of test a week along w/ the Eq and you'll have no problems as far as sex drive goes.
    Run Eq for 12 weeks if possible.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    If you're going to frontload the eq, you need to take TWICE the maintenance dose in the first week. i.e. if you are doing 400mg/week, in the first week you need to do 800mg. There are lots of really good threads on this subject. I frontloaded the eq in my current cycle and it seems to have worked really well. By the end of week two I was hungry as hell and at the beginning of week three (now) I'm beginning to see some improved vascularity. Definitely throw in some test with the eq, though. I haven't used it, but I hear prop does not cause as much bloat a long ester would.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    yeah i ment 800mg to front load not 600mg, i was thinking of maybe taking 250mg of test a week so i don't shut down that hard...and i can still function, but i figure with 250, i wont bloat that i was thinking in investing in liquidex..but the hair is the big thing..don't want to loose it, but i dont think im predisposed..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Well, I'm already losing my hair, and my whole family is bald or balding, so hairloss while on is not a huge concern to me. However, if you are not prone to hairloss, and it sounds like you are not, you could always throw in some Propecia or use some Rogaine during your cycle to be sure. Hope this helps.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    well i have nizarol going to use..but it seemed like on my last cycle of deca/test there was no thinning till 6 weeks, and about 3 months after it seemed like the front of my hair was receding...but i dont know, i know deca stays in your system for about 16-18 months but i dont know if there are after sides, because it is in your system?
    but if i do decide to take the test it will be 250mg a week..
    eq 800mg week 1, 400mg 2-12
    test 250mg 1-10
    and maybe winny 50mg eod on weeks 8-13

  9. #9


    Originally posted by Gilster
    Eq will shut down your natty test and if you have no test to replace it, it will kill your sex drive.

    Winny is very harsh for hair loss. You are correct. If you want to know if youar predisposed to being bald, look at your mothers brothers. If they are bald you are predisposed to being bald also.

    All AAS shrink your nuts, because they shut down your natural test production.

    IMO Eq only is not a very good cycle. My $.02
    by error, I ran eq at 600mg/wk and test depot at 500mg/wk and my sex drive is killed. was wondering of my drive will return if I increase my test to 750 or a 1000 for the next 4 weeks,

    remember test depot is two esters.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Maybe your head is getting bigger and your hairline just looks further back? :0) Aren't you always suppose to run more test than deca or eq? Almost everything I read says so....atleast I thought.

  11. #11

    sex drive

    Originally posted by H.pYl0ri
    Maybe your head is getting bigger and your hairline just looks further back? :0) Aren't you always suppose to run more test than deca or eq? Almost everything I read says so....atleast I thought.

    yes, you are always, supposed to run more test than eq or deca, but read the part saying "ran in by error".

    my question is will an increas in test intake help me recover my sex drive?

  12. #12
    is it true if u jerk off on equapoise u leet out da steroids help plz..?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    thats not true

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    LI, NY kidd!!
    Quote Originally Posted by workin out
    is it true if u jerk off on equapoise u leet out da steroids help plz..?
    this is insane....stop with the jerk off questions

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Tampa moving to the Beach
    Quote Originally Posted by maxx
    yes, you are always, supposed to run more test than eq or deca, but read the part saying "ran in by error".

    my question is will an increas in test intake help me recover my sex drive?
    Maxx, you're hijacking a bro's thread man. Start a new one with your question.

    Bench .. I'm currently on week 5 of an EQ/winny cycle (eq 400mg week, winny 50mg day). I have noticed some light gaines in size but more definition, vasuclarity and some strength. The first 3 weeks I ran 250mg Test E per week with the EQ (I had 3 amps of test left from a previous cycle) but now in week 5 I'm noticing the nuts shrinking a little. I'm going to finish up with some HCG to bring the boys back. The hair loss isn't any more noticable than usual so far. Good Luck!

  16. #16
    any1 noe gooed weight to gain weights?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Tampa moving to the Beach
    Quote Originally Posted by workin out
    any1 noe gooed weight to gain weights?

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