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Thread: Possible gyno?!? AI/Serm Question.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Possible gyno?!? AI/Serm Question.

    I'll be starting the 8th week of my first ever cycle today with tonight's injection. My cycle is:

    Test E 500mg/WEEK
    Nolva (Tamoxifen) 20mg/ED
    L-Dex (Anastrozole) .25mg/ED

    I really have two questions;

    1: How do you guys take your nolva and L-dex when it's in liquid form? (I've been mixing both in a shot glass with a little bit of Orange juice and drinking it)

    2: I've got a jelly bean size "lump" just to the right of my left nipple. It's slightly sore to the touch so i started researching on the forums and hurried up and ordered some letro. now for the question. Does this sound like gyno as much as I'm thinking it does?

    My stat's are;
    approx: 20% BF (Yes it's high, I am attempting to take precautions)

    Thanx for your time and any and all advice and comments are appreciated
    Last edited by Lecent83; 04-14-2011 at 03:35 PM.

  2. #2
    for gyno issues i believe 40mg of nolva ed until it subside. You know you're not supposed to mix nolva and adex together right? Combining it with nolva will diminishes arimidex's effectiveness. Good luck!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    dosxx: "You know you're not supposed to mix nolva and adex together right? Combining it with nolva will diminishes arimidex's effectiveness"

    Can you site your source on that info. I am following;


    It suggests the cycle I'm on for your first cycle and the PCT I'm following.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    anyone else have any input?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    So my Letro came in the mail, i will be dosing as follows for my possible gyno

    Day 1 .25
    day 2 .5
    day 3 1
    day 4 1.5
    day 5 2
    day 6-14 2.5
    day 15 2
    day 16 1.5
    day 17 1
    day 18 .5
    day 19 .25

    still wondering the best way to take this orally.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Lecent83 View Post
    So my Letro came in the mail, i will be dosing as follows for my possible gyno

    Day 1 .25
    day 2 .5
    day 3 1
    day 4 1.5
    day 5 2
    day 6-14 2.5
    day 15 2
    day 16 1.5
    day 17 1
    day 18 .5
    day 19 .25

    still wondering the best way to take this orally.
    that is A LOT of letro dude.. i would b careful taking that much. start low and up it slowly.. i doubt you will need to run 2.5 that long

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    No source checks
    I would have saved the letro and ran nolva....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    [QUOTE=Lecent83;5604404]dosxx: "You know you're not supposed to mix nolva and adex together right? Combining it with nolva will diminishes arimidex's effectiveness"

    Can you site your source on that info.

    "Co-administration of anastrozole and tamoxifen in breast cancer patients reduced anastrozole plasma concentration by 27%" PAGE 3 UNDER DRUG INTERACTIONS

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    The nolva should have helped even if the L-dex did lose some of its potency. Just letting you know that Letro kills 98% of estro in your body. If letro does not work, nothing else will. You might be in one of the following scenarios:

    1) High body fat mistaken as Gyno. When fat starts to melt away. it forms net like patterns under the skin.
    2) You had gyno from puberty, and the test made it worse and therefore, a heavy therapy is needed.
    3) You are not giving the chemicals enough time to work

    I understand that you are anxious. Please relax. Best yet, go to the doctor and see whether it actually is gyno. Secondly, careful with the heavy doses of Letro. Too low of an estro level can also stop muscle gains and waste your cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    north america
    stane and nolva are great for gyno, in my experience.
    regarding the doctor thing, recently my doctor had me take my clothes off and searched all over my body. I asked why, he said he was looking for needle marks, and that if I'm using steroids he won't be my doctor. thankfully that was just prior to my cycle! i think he suspected because of acne caused by the legal designer steroid crap i was using at the time.

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