Ive recently got my hands on a course of dianabol and deca-durabolin, although im not too sure about the deca and may swap for some Test eth. I also have Tamoxifen for Pct.
Ive never done steroids before, and have done a lot of research.. I seem to know a lot more than the people i bought it from put it that way. They didnt even mention Pct until i asked, and they both dont seem to understand the importance of test as a foundation for the dbol & deca. Which ive read so many times on the internet.
Ive heard that dianabol on its own is not bad for a good beginners cycle just to familarise the person with steroids and how they will effect you, before you start messing with needles etc.. even tho you probably wont keep much of the gains once you come off.
Im basically posting this to get your opinions on wether you think im good to go on the dianabols, people say you will know when your ready.. but i cant see how this can be. Naturally you can just keep growing and growing right? but very slowly, obviously not to a pro bodybuilders but still fairly big. So when they say reach your natural limit... whats that? how do i know when ive hit my limit and am ready for steroids? at the moment i know i aint even close to my 'natural limit' but i cant see the point of trying to reach it when steroids would take me above and beyond.
Look at Edward Norton for example. Now the guy got pretty big in such a short amount of time for the film American history X (Google it if you havent seen), he clearly must have used steroids. But looking at hes body before that film, he was know where near he's 'natural limit' if there is such a thing. And if he did before he made the film, theres no way he could of done it in a matter of months, this would obviously take years.
So that shows he must have taken short cuts i.e. steroids, which in my opinion worked fine for him, hes body in that film is a good example of how i want to be.
Ok moving on, before i start on my profile im just gonna mention im pretty sure ive got my diet good, consuming 250g of protein a day, a 100g of which coming from whey & casein and the rest from chicken, tuna, eggs, turkey, nuts etc..
I train pretty much 7 days a week, 4 days weight lifting and 3 days cardio (i play sports)
I lift 4 sets of 8-12 reps, always pushing myself to lift more weight.
My profile
Age: 20
Height: 5'11
Weight: 74kg (165lbs)
BFI: 9%
Years lifting: on/off for 2 years
(at one point i got quite alot bigger than i am now)
So what do you think, would it be wise for me to start my dianabol? or should i train natural for a while more, if so what should i aim for.. how many more pounds of muscle should i look to put on before i move onto steroids?
Thanks for reading and please take the time to help me out if you can.
Im also prepared for criticism which to be honest im expecting, but at the end of the day im not an expert on steroids, and thats why i need your help