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Thread: Prison volunteer work help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Prison volunteer work help

    i'm going into my local police station to get more info on this but i wanted to run this by you guys to see if anyone has some good suggestions.

    essentially, what i want to do is a lifting demonstration and some training with prisoners in the orange county southern California area.

    i would do some olympic lifting demos and focusing on the snatch and clean and jerk movements. i know power lifting is a huge deal in most prisons so i want to hopefully expose some of the inmates to the oly movements. i think it would be positive for the boys doing time and i would be getting volunteer work in on top of it.

    of course i would only be doing work with inmates on good terms with their penitentiary/good behavior. or maybe just parolees.

    besides going to my local station, where else should i go to try to get in?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    They love clean jerks and bent over.........rows.

  3. #3
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    A lot of prisons don't allow inmates to lift. And a prison would be the only place you might find some weights because the county jails are just holding facilities. Those inmates RARELY get out of their cell blocks and there are certainly no weights. Maybe Cali's pens are different though. And not really sure if you'd have a choice as to who you work out with.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    A lot of prisons don't allow inmates to lift. And a prison would be the only place you might find some weights because the county jails are just holding facilities. Those inmates RARELY get out of their cell blocks and there are certainly no weights. Maybe Cali's pens are different though. And not really sure if you'd have a choice as to who you work out with.
    yeah, i have mixed emotions about allowing inmates to workout. all we need is for these guys to get more aggressive. instead, you'd think they'd feed em food high in carbs and fat to plump em out like they did for the blokes at alcatraz

  5. #5
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    The only way to get fat is through commissary. I think they only give 1,200 calories per day over 3 meals.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    They love clean jerks and bent over.........rows.
    thought u wud jerk then clean

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    My old boss said his prison had weights and they were big into powerlifting in there.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    ive got 2 bros in the joint here in iowa and they have nice weight yards from what they tell me they use 2 b able 2 buy creatine and protien powder but the boyz in the joint were getting 2 big with all the sleep they get started scaring the guards so they took it away i can def understand that

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I say they should be allowed to work out as much as they want and even required for several hours a day; with a big sledge hammer and breaking rocks or other types of hard labor. All the BS recreation facilities, media centers, computers and such is wrong. Library, self education (no teachers) and any type of work to help pay their way is fine. They are in there for a reason. They choose to give up the amenities we have or at least that's the say it should be.

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