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Thread: anavar & dianabol cycle ????

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Cool anavar & dianabol cycle ????

    anavar seems to be accepted as an oral only cycle for beginners what i want to know is what would be bad point about involving some d-bol into the cycle ?? not high doses just enough to get some noticible gains from it.
    13 stone
    low b.f
    interested to know.
    cycle im thinking is
    anavar for 8 weeks @ 70mg ed
    dianabol @ 30mg first 3-4 weeks
    no alchol consumed during this cycle
    plenty of water and good clean diet. aim would be too add some nice muscle and keeped trim. pct of clomid possibly nolvadex.
    Last edited by hillbill78; 08-12-2011 at 10:38 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    anavar only cycles make you feel very lethargic (at least it did for me)

    dbol, even at low doses, WILL shut you down. this will make you feel even worse. in addition, with a cycle like this it is likely that any weight you do gain will be lost shortly after coming off.

    this is NOT an advisable first cycle. please read the stickies in this section.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    horrible idea. Both compounds will at min. suppress your hpta.
    2 orals is ruff also

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    aa fair point, so anavar will not shut me down then. only reason i ask is i was chatting to a bloke in the gym, expirienced with most steroids and he said to me anavar would probally shut me down and a light dose of d-bol wouldnt make much difference, be very low on sides and just help kick start my cycle and add a few more lbs on and as its the first 4 weeks by the end of the cycle i would have probally lost all the watery gains from it anyway and just have the lean gains. persides i would be running a pct anyway. thanks for the responce fukngravn, please keep commenting.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    really what i want to know is why is running anavar @ 60mg for 7-8 weeks completely fine but if you add 20-30mg d-bol in for the first 3-4 weeks makes it awfull so apart from liver toxicity what else makes it awfull ?? like i said ive never touched them and am going to soon and wasnt too sure about the answer to my question. thanks again

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    In a hood near you
    what that bloke meant was Anavar WILL shut you down just as gix said, so if you run dbol (which will shut you down harder) it wont matter since your already shut down. HE IS WRONG! It does matter, its a bad idea... Also anavar only cycles are not widely recommended or accepted. Some people run them and as exceptions to the rule (because each person is diff and gear dosed diff) they can make a full recovery with out running test or pct. Again bad idea, very risky....

    My question is why wouldnt you run test?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by deeznutts View Post
    what that bloke meant was Anavar WILL shut you down just as gix said, so if you run dbol (which will shut you down harder) it wont matter since your already shut down. HE IS WRONG! It does matter, its a bad idea... Also anavar only cycles are not widely recommended or accepted. Some people run them and as exceptions to the rule (because each person is diff and gear dosed diff) they can make a full recovery with out running test or pct. Again bad idea, very risky....

    My question is why wouldnt you run test?
    thanks for clarifying more

  8. #8
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    In a hood near you
    go read the profiles section, before your start to use any aas you need to understand the chemicals that you are dealing with and how they will affect your body. Anavar only isnt completely fine (imo). Dbol is a completely diff compound and will affect your hpta differently.

  9. #9
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    Dec 2010
    i thought shut down was just shut down ?? i know d-bol isnt that great for long term gains but this is not why i would be using it for, it would be used to kickstart my anavar cycle. what makes ethenate etc alot better than dianabol then ??

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    i thought shut down was just shut down ?? i know d-bol isnt that great for long term gains but this is not why i would be using it for, it would be used to kickstart my anavar cycle. what makes ethenate etc alot better than dianabol then ??
    you need to do alot more research on the things you want to put in your body. D-bol to kick start an anavar cycle? Where did you come up with that?

    Why test only for a first cycle has been answered a million times. Read the stickies for your answers

  11. #11
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    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by hillbill78 View Post
    i thought shut down was just shut down ?? i know d-bol isnt that great for long term gains but this is not why i would be using it for, it would be used to kickstart my anavar cycle. what makes ethenate etc alot better than dianabol then ??
    LOL I agree with you that many people here are parroting the same crap over and over again, without using any logic and common sense.

    First of all, the combination of Dianabol+Anavar is not a healthy choice. But if you use it once or twice, you are not going to die, that's for sure.

    I have never taken Dianabol, but using it as a "kickstart" could certainly be useful.

    Some people are terrified of suppression, because they couldn't offer enough pleasure to their girl. I find it ludicrous. It is true that your mood may be down, but I have never had any serious problem with it, because it was more than offset by the pleasure from the strength/muscle gains. And remember that exogenous testosterone will shut your testosterone production almost completely.

    On the other hand, from the view of PCT, it is irrelevant, if you are shut down or not, because PCT with Anavar is a trivial matter. I have already mentioned it here: 10 mg Anavar/day + antiestrogen daily for 3-4 weeks, then only antiestrogen for additional 3-4 weeks. NO PROBLEM.
    Last edited by Steroidman99; 08-13-2011 at 06:55 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    LOL I agree with you that many people here are parroting the same crap over and over again, without using any logic and common sense.

    First of all, the combination of Dianabol+Anavar is not a healthy choice. But if you use it once or twice, you are not going to die, that's for sure.

    I have never taken Dianabol, but using it as a "kickstart" could certainly be useful.

    Some people are terrified of suppression, because they couldn't offer enough pleasure to their girl. I find it ludicrous. It is true that your mood may be down, but I have never had any serious problem with it, because it was more than offset by the pleasure from the strength/muscle gains. And remember that exogenous testosterone will shut your testosterone production almost completely.

    On the other hand, from the view of PCT, it is irrelevant, if you are shut down or not, because PCT with Anavar is a trivial matter. I have already mentioned it here: 10 mg Anavar/day + antiestrogen daily for 3-4 weeks, then only antiestrogen for additional 3-4 weeks. NO PROBLEM.
    No offence but this post doesnt make sense, and its contradictory. No one is parroting anything. If we are just parroting tell us why you disagree with a dbol anavar cycle, especially since you never ran dbol? Shut down is shut down but there are different degrees. Its not death, once you dead you're dead right? What we are talking about is more like an injury, if you injure you leg what does that mean? Is it cut, sprained or broken? There are degrees of seriousness, you eluded to it yourself stating anavar pct is trivial. Well why is that? With dbol and most other compounds the degree to which suppression occurs is greater than with anavar. So shut down isnt just shut down the way you guys are thinking.

    Second thats a crap cycle... Yes you can run anavar only & maybe op is like you & doesnt care about gettin wood cause he looks so awesome in the mirror & feels so strong. If thats the case then op, go ahead run it. Remember everyone is different. My bro ran var only for a week & half & was shut down, hes not very happy. The overall goal here is to help guys make right/responsible decisions concerning aas use and pct use maybe irrelevant for you but to make a general all encompasing statement like makes me question your ability to contribute to this board & greater health of members.
    Last edited by deeznutts; 08-13-2011 at 08:06 PM.

  13. #13
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    Considering that my testosterone level after an 8-week Anavar cycle was 11 ng/dl (2% of the normal value), I certainly know, how a "shutdown" looks like. This is also the reason, why all my PCTs based on the wise advice "stop using steroids and set up anti-estrogens" were always a total failure.

    And considering that almost everybody here pushes testosterone to people's cycles, I am the last one, who should be accused of generalizations.

    If the guy wants to risk side effects tied with orals, then let him be. If I exclude all harsh orals, Dianabol is the only useable mass oral steroid on the market in such a combination.

    He shouldn't be seriously harmed after a single cycle of this sort. But he should certainly see his bloodwork.

  14. #14
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    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Steroidman99 View Post
    Considering that my testosterone level after an 8-week Anavar cycle was 11 ng/dl (2% of the normal value), I certainly know, how a "shutdown" looks like. This is also the reason, why all my PCTs based on the wise advice "stop using steroids and set up anti-estrogens" were always a total failure.

    And considering that almost everybody here pushes testosterone to people's cycles, I am the last one, who should be accused of generalizations.

    If the guy wants to risk side effects tied with orals, then let him be. If I exclude all harsh orals, Dianabol is the only useable mass oral steroid on the market in such a combination.

    He shouldn't be seriously harmed after a single cycle of this sort. But he should certainly see his bloodwork.
    Yes he can do what ever he wants. But why do you expect us to tell someone to do something they shouldn't? We are here to help people and advice on to do things a safer way.

    Your post itself shows reasons not to do that cycle.
    And maybe because you only used an anti-estrogen for pct was part of the problem

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