First cycle I did in january
1-4 Dbol 30mg ED
1-10 Test Enanthate 500mg EW
Don't remember my PCT dosage but it was nolva/arimidex/tribulus, no gyno or any problems with the cycle, had solid gains and felt like super man for 3 months
Now Im looking at either ;
1-4 40 mg Dbol ED
1-10 500mg t300 EW
1-4 40 mg Dbol ED
1-10 500mg test prop EW
1-10 400-500 mg EW test
1-10 400-500 mg EW deca
1-4 40mg dbol ED
4-8 20 mg dbol ED
1-15 500 mg test EW
Or any other stacks recommended for fairly new user. Im sitting around 180-190lbs 5'7'' , I want big gains, but relatively inexpensive.
Any tips from previous experience or knowledge is appreciated, and I have done research for dozens of hours.