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Thread: Need your help and opinion here

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Need your help and opinion here

    okay so I'm very limited on gear I have access to at the moment. It has been awhile since I have cycled and am looking to get back into it. I have stayed fit throughout this time; however,,, It's never as much fun without anabolics =D

    So here's the list I have... Please work with me here,, help me formulate the best cycle possible out of all this mess lol

    T3 (Cytomel)
    Winny 50
    Winny 10
    Tren (Only IM I have access to =/)

    PCT Items available: Nolvadex, Clomid, and HCG

    Tren is the only IM out of the bunch...

    I know the cardinal sin about not running Tren by itself...

    Please let me know your honest opinions and if it's even possible to make a cycle out of these options... Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I guess I should say that I'm trying to put on lean muscle mass... Not wanting to necessarily bulk.. Just lean muscle gains

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    Ill advised cycle!! What's your cycle history and can we get some stats?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well Bro in your profile it says you never ran a cycle.Now you say you have which is it ? Going on just wat you thru out there to us.Tells me you dont have a clue on wat you are doing.1st how old are you.2nd do some research on the compounds you wish to use.Learn about gyno and how to combat it.Then hit the pct section always a good read.Learn about AIs like Adex/Areomasin.Then hit the diet section post your diet with macros.This is the most important part of a cycle.And last but not least dont be stupid and run that tren without test.We got a guy here now whodid that 8 mos ago.His dick still aint right.So you see there is a lil more than stickin a pin in ur ass and gettin big.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Well Bro in your profile it says you never ran a cycle.Now you say you have which is it ? Going on just wat you thru out there to us.Tells me you dont have a clue on wat you are doing.1st how old are you.2nd do some research on the compounds you wish to use.Learn about gyno and how to combat it.Then hit the pct section always a good read.Learn about AIs like Adex/Areomasin.Then hit the diet section post your diet with macros.This is the most important part of a cycle.And last but not least dont be stupid and run that tren without test.We got a guy here now whodid that 8 mos ago.His dick still aint right.So you see there is a lil more than stickin a pin in ur ass and gettin big.

    I appreciate your reply but you don't have to be condescending. I created my profile in 2007 (2 years before you) and I've definitely put my time in,, just been out of the game for a bit and was hoping you guys could save me some time. I decided to stay clean throughout my baseball career after my frosh year, so I haven't cycled in a long time. I would always double check everything,, but was looking for courteous opinions so I could let my supplier know asap. I'm 23 (24 in November),, 5'8 190lb, about 10% bfc. My diet and regiment are clean, crisp, and routine. My first cycle was Test E only,, Second cycle was Test E and EQ, third cycle was Test E, EQ and Anavar. I loved equipoise but no longer have access to the product. I'm having friends check around right now on the Test E because I really don't want to run Tren as my only IM (Not fishing,, don't PM me I won't respond). I have never had a problem with gyno,, or any other side affects to be honest. Now that I have cleared this up,,, I would appreciate helpful opinions... As I figured,, there probably isn't a stack or cycle here. I will look around and come back with a new list and hopefully find some help advice/answers

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    you dont have or can get anything to make a proper cycle. So i wouldnt do aynthing

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    you dont have or can get anything to make a proper cycle. So i wouldnt do aynthing
    Thanks,, that's what I was expecting to hear,, just wanted to confirm. I will check back in the next few days with more options,, hopefully =)

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