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Thread: hair loss - do i have anything to worry about?

  1. #1

    hair loss - do i have anything to worry about?

    is hair loss a concern for just one low dose cycle of test? I have a full head of hair and I can only think of one baldy on my moms side of the family. dad has plenty of hair and he is old.

    is it anything to be worried about? planning on test 400-500mg/week 12 weeks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Only thing that ever made me even lose a few hairs was 100mg ed with winny but 75mg ed or less was fine. I have cycled many times and have no signs of hair loss. Everyone is different I guess.

  3. #3
    I have hairloss genes in my family, my next cycle of Winny + Prop is going to kill my hair. Id live with being bald because I have done it before , stuck to it for 3 month and nothing but compliments. I also wanna know if I would have to run Finastride since im not completely bald yet .

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