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Here are some examples of bullshit I have heard in my various dealings:
"Well we only prescribe 200mg/week because that is just all the test that the body can hold."
"Let me be honest with you, EVERY clinic charges a new patient fee. Maybe they mix it in with their medication costs, but believe me, it is there."
"Well, the thing is, you really don't EVER need to go off cycle. I usually only take off maybe one or two weeks a year, if I bother to at all, and I feel great."
"You see, these are some powerful medications, and they can be a heavy load on your body, so the doctor really insists that you also inject the vitamin complex if you are going to do any sort of test therapy."
"Let's be straight with each other. You wanna get ripped, right? Well let me tell you a little known secret: the topical gels are actually more powerful than the shots. They go STRAIGHT to the muscle and you can FEEL it, you know?"
"Well it doesn't matter what that other clinic thinks you should take, our focus is on making you feel GREAT. You can save yourself that extra $125 for that second bottle of test, because you're not gonna need it. Our test is just THAT good."
"I would like to help you bro, really, I would. But there just isn't any Anavar out there right now. Seriously, there is just NONE. Like zero, in the entire country."
"We just have a GREAT response to this serum, let me tell you. You like feeling pumped right? Well the MIC will get you seriously pumped man. What is it? Well, it's a special compound... It has the B5, B6, hell, ALL the Bs you could ever want. And, like I said, we have a GREAT response, patients LOVE it."
"Well I just think you should order NOW. You never know when there might be problems at the pharmacy, you know? I mean, they gotta MAKE this stuff. You don't want to RUN OUT, do you? So why don't you just put in your order now, that way you're all set?"
"You know what? **** it. I like you, man. I like your style. So here's the deal: I know I said the fee was $200 for registration. But I'm gonna hook you up. If you put in an order, like right now, I'll knock it down to $150. I mean, I'm PAYING this out of pocket for you bro. That's how cool we are here."