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Thread: test too high?

  1. #1

    test too high?

    hi gang,
    I have been pinning .5ml test e 250 1xweek for 11 weeks.
    My baseline T was 5.6 ng/ml, e2 30. my new T is 12.6 ng/ml, and I get my e2 and prolactin results tomorrow

    I am going through the finding the e2 sweet spot arimidex roller coaster phase, and I was wondering if my T levels might be too high?

    Also, is it advisable to take a couple of weeks off so he nads get a chance to start making hormones?
    Last edited by hyku1147; 10-12-2011 at 04:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    USA, In the Tundra
    You need some ranges on those numbers. Few labs produce T results in that measurement and few people here will know what the range is for T in ng/ml.

    Also, you really need to post Free Testosterone too. Free has a greater affect on symptoms and benefits than total T.

    Don't take time off. Your body won't start producing testosterone again in two weeks. HRT is constant, not intermittent. If you are worried about the boys staying functional research HCG in this forum and add that to your protocol.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    East Coast Canada, Eh!
    Quote Originally Posted by hyku1147 View Post
    hi gang,
    I have been pinning .5ml test e 250 1xweek for 11 weeks.
    My baseline T was 5.6 ng/ml, e2 30. my new T is 12.6 ng/ml, and I get my e2 and prolactin results tomorrow

    I am going through the finding the e2 sweet spot arimidex roller coaster phase, and I was wondering if my T levels might be too high?

    Also, is it advisable to take a couple of weeks off so he nads get a chance to start making hormones?
    Is this doctor presribed TRT?
    What are the ranges for your lab results? Without knowing the ranges it is hard to say as lab ranges can differ.
    If you are on replacement therapy you do not stop injections. 11 weeks of injections will have your nads shut down.

  4. #4
    I will post when I get tomorrows results

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    agree with the fellers above..

    also talk more of symptoms and explain if your on a steel roller coaster or wooden...makes a difference

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    In Southern Commiefornia
    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    agree with the fellers above..

    also talk more of symptoms and explain if your on a steel roller coaster or wooden...makes a difference
    whats the difference?! both make me puke!

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