Here's some advice for anyone that gets into trouble with AS and gets regularly tested. Make sure that they test the base levels of roids when you have to start your random drops. In my case I get randomly dropped, usually about once a week. I started probation about 8 months ago and they have had the option to test me for juice whenever they feel like it along with all the other rec drugs that they normally test for. Well, the probation officer calls me yesterday telling me that I dropped dirty for Nandralone about a month ago. Most of us know that you can drop dirty for Deca for approximately 18 months or so. I have been clean and doing everything that I am suppose to. I have only 4 months left to go on probation. Hopefully they will accept the facts and I will not get screwed for their lack of knowledge on the subject. I will throw a fit if they try to extend my probation!!!! This is sooo fu*ked!!!!