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Thread: how does my cycle look?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    how does my cycle look?

    Hey guys I'm starting my first cycle tommorow after months and months of thought, preparation and research. I still think its early but I'm getting impatient and when i got my gear on hand i wanted to wait more but here goes nothing.

    test enanthate Diamond 250 10 ML X2
    test enanthate (NO LABEL ) 250 X10 ML
    Blue Heart shaped D-Bols unknown 95 10MG
    Liquid stane 30 ML 25MG/ML
    HCGenerate 2X150 Tabs (since i couldnt get any HCG

    I'm going to be dosing :
    enanthate at 600MG a week - 12 weeks

    Dbols 40MG a day for 5 weeks

    liquidstane is on hand (Aromasin AI) 12.5MG/day ED

    wondering how i should take the HCGenerate

    Current stats are 75KG 5'10 BF ~8% age 24

    DIET: 4-6Kcals a day. id like to take advantage of the extra hunger dbol causes

    Milk Thistle 7000mg 3X ED
    5-7 Litres of water a day.
    Multivitamin and fish oils ED.

    Anything im missing guys? thanks

    EDIT: Guys please im open to constructive criticism but please do not come on here with a neg. attitude and flaming i appreciate being on this forum and for all the help and support you guys have given me and i would like it if you guys continued guiding me on my journey. Thanks.

    EDIT: forgot to add my pct.
    nolva for 4 weeks 40/30/20/20 does this look good? :S

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Ljubljana Slovenia
    Some of the more experienced guys can chime in with comments on your cycle, but I personally would up my PCT to 5 weeks and add Clomid to the tune of 100/100/50/50/50 to go with the Nolva.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    I have allready started my dbols at 40mg and just had my first shot of test e at 300mg

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    btw how much aromasin should i take 12.5 ED or EOD? its liquid from RUI and also is 600mg okay really?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    im feeling like shit on these blue heart dbols. i feel lethargic and dont feel like doing anything i have random naps and all i do is think about sleeping. im wrestless and all. um got an increase of roughly 3-4 pounds its my fourth day on 40mg a day. i can lift heavier im stronger about 5-10 kgs in all lifts. other than that. i dont really see the weight gain my appetite seems supressed on dbol i thought it was going up and i was getting hungrier etc.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    MA, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by mrzedx View Post
    im feeling like shit on these blue heart dbols. i feel lethargic and dont feel like doing anything i have random naps and all i do is think about sleeping. im wrestless and all. um got an increase of roughly 3-4 pounds its my fourth day on 40mg a day. i can lift heavier im stronger about 5-10 kgs in all lifts. other than that. i dont really see the weight gain my appetite seems supressed on dbol i thought it was going up and i was getting hungrier etc.
    Are you eating enough?
    Sounds a bit odd, did you just come off caffeine or something?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    im barely eating enough, this kills my appetite. i try my best to keep eating but i just dont feel like doing shit.
    sorry by come off caffeine do you mean taking in a lot before i started my cycle?

    i try to eat a full meal every 3-4 hours.. taking in lots of water though.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    im barely eating enough, this kills my appetite. i try my best to keep eating but i just dont feel like doing shit.
    sorry by come off caffeine do you mean taking in a lot before i started my cycle?

    i try to eat a full meal every 3-4 hours.. taking in lots of water though.

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