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Thread: Lower Back Pain-Cramps

  1. #1

    Lower Back Pain-Cramps

    Ok been on TRT for awhile now and got my acne and estrogen sides under control from great advise on forum "thanks" Anyway 6 weeks ago a got a terrible lower back spasm that put me down for two weeks. Went back in gym after two weeks then 2 weeks later pain came back. Been resting for another 2 weeks and no relief from pain. Dr gave me muscle relaxer's pain killers nothing is working.

    So I do some research and come across back bumps and tightness can be a side from orals "or test;not sure about test".
    First question what is back bumps is it a water like bump under skin? I noticed I have some bumps but don't hurt if I touch them.

    I here it can be kidney or liver over working! big debate on this but no positive answer....

    I hear potassium, taurine and magnesium can help true?

    my pain is like tightness in lower back if i sit then stand up it is tight constant pain sometimes very severe.

    ok ill wait for some advise. right now dr wants me to go for mri


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    SO. CA.
    yes same thing happens to me and i forgot what helps and been meaning to ask myself . i just power through but would also like to hear

  3. #3
    Horrible! Been out of commission 6 weeks. Going to dermatologist to make sure it's not the minocyline now!

  4. #4
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    My guess is it is not TRT related but rather you hurt your back. I have 2 hern discs so I deal with the back pain and tightness all the time. No fun, people that dont have this sometimes dont understand. Thru the yrs the Dr's say keep active it helps loosen it up but may be time for you to go in for an MRI, Good luck. Have had several of them, no big deal.. If however you are clausterphobic, request an open MRI machine. tried sliding me in the tube one time I about had a coronary!

  5. #5
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    i get this pain too, in fact i have it now and been off working out for about 4 weeks now, and its not getting any better. i was on anavar and thats when all these pains started, still waiting for this pain to go away! back lower right where my pain is.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    My guess is it is not TRT related but rather you hurt your back. I have 2 hern discs so I deal with the back pain and tightness all the time. No fun, people that dont have this sometimes dont understand. Thru the yrs the Dr's say keep active it helps loosen it up but may be time for you to go in for an MRI, Good luck. Have had several of them, no big deal.. If however you are clausterphobic, request an open MRI machine. tried sliding me in the tube one time I about had a coronary!
    LOL, thats what happened to me! i was scheduled to do MRI for my shoulders and just couldn't do it, now waiting to get an open MRI approved! i hope i don't have Herniated Disc, that would really suck!

  7. #7
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    Bass, I feel ya, honestly when they were pulling me in for the MRI, I about soiled my pants!!! I dont know what it is but very freaky. The open machine, no problem at all Your Doc should be able to get it approved no problem, big difference. Shoulders huh, hern disc no, rotator cuff???? Geez, I hope not, hear that one is awful!!! Good luck Bro.

  8. #8
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    don't mean to high-jack this thread, but have to respond to you post. i've done MRI before in a small tunnel with no problems, but this time i simply couldn't do it especially when he said it'll take 30 minute on each side and he was going to leave the room!

  9. #9
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    If it came after a spazam it is not your HRT that is causing it....

    Orals give me terribel lower back pumps but that is not the case here...

    Sounds like an injury

  10. #10
    Ya definitely was a spasm that started it all. Still out if commission . Gonna make appointment for MRI this week. Getting old sucks every week it's something else that hurts.

  11. #11
    Well its confirmed two bulging disc and one minor buldge! from report looks like my whole lower back is not good!

    Anyone know anything about this? does the bulging ever decrease? or eventally next step is herniated when buldge pops?

    this S$%ks

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by confused123 View Post
    Well its confirmed two bulging disc and one minor buldge! from report looks like my whole lower back is not good!

    Anyone know anything about this? does the bulging ever decrease? or eventally next step is herniated when buldge pops?

    this S$%ks
    sorry to hear it man! i don't know what to recommend but what did your doc recommend?

  13. #13
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    I feel for u confused! I too have some back problems.Sometimes pain from bulging disc go away over time with rest.Then other times they won't or the pain comes and goes....Also some bulging disc won't even bother u.All I can say is see what you doctor recommends and if he wants you to get a operation get a second opinion for sure.I have been lucky enough to work around mine for years but i do suffer on and off.Good luck with this

  14. #14
    Thanks. Think I been battling this for years just nEver confirmed with MRI. Seems mine gets aggravated when I over work my lower back "this episode was ack extensions" it usually goes away I've time and carful rest. Thanks guess I'll have to work around it carefully. Dr was my family doc recommended rest and therapy . I am back in gym doing light and reps for now see where it goes. I would say back is at 85% pain comes and goes daily.

  15. #15
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    man that sucks! hope everything works out ok . dont know about that kinda of injury but i think not stayin stagnant and lightly exercising is good idea for most. its what i do , and see what happens.

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