Ok so i'm running a winnie and test suspension cycle...or trying to!!
I've done this before but this time i'm having real trouble drawing up and injecting. I can't draw anything up. I'm using a 21g pin and as soon as I pull back on it, nothing. When I bring the end of the pin above the level of the gear there is a white clump on the end of it. I can't get any bigger pins at the moment but surely this one should be big enough.
Now i'm getting f**king p*ssed off and really wanna break somethingIts a good job my girlfriend left when she did.
I've tried everything. Shaking sh*t out of it, warming it up, leaving it in hot water then shaking it then putting it back in water then shaking it again. The only way I get anything is if the pin is just under the surface of the liquid, it takes ages and i'm not sure whether i'm drawing up the powder that I should be doing it this way.
Please has anyone got any suggestions? I know the gear is genuine and I know this is an age old problem but this takes the p*ss.
Please please someone help me...