I want to use CJC1293(1295 without DAC) and GHRP6(and some ipamorelin), like this:
morning: 100mcg CJC1293 and 100mcg GHRP6
Post workout(on non training days I'll use late afternoon) 100mcg CJC and 100mcg GHRP6
Before bed: 100mcg CJC and 100mcg Ipamorelin(I use it in order not to be hungry before bed).
That would be the protocol if i didnt use IGF1 lr3. So how should I do this cycle with IGF1?
15 mins after workout I would pin IGF1, then in 10 minutes I'd drink a shake with protein(55g) and ch(90g). Is it ok? If yes, when should I pin the 2nd portion of CJC&GHRP? I found that you must wait 2 hours then you can pin the CJC&GHRP.