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Thread: Finalized 2nd cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.

    Finalized 2nd cycle

    Alright - after much debate and thinking I've nailed down my 2nd cycle...

    Wk 1-12 Primo@400mg
    Wk 1-12 Enth@500mg
    Wk 9-16 Winny@50mg ED
    Wk 16+ usual Clomid Therapy
    [email protected] ED

    My only question is: How often should Primo be injected? I see a lot of bro's doing like 100mg every 3rd day...but I need to try and get in 400mg a week (with this being my 2nd cycle and to get max bennies from the primo). So I was thinking of mixing Enth/Primo for M/T then do another 200mg's of Primo on Wed.... should I space this out more? Maybe 100mg of Primo on Thurs/Sat? Looks like it is not exactly a short life ester, but wanna keep blood levels as stable as possible.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Some kind of padded room...wearing some kinda white jacket...can't!
    Even though both of these are long esters more frequent is always better. You can go with twice a week. Use 200mg primo and 250mg of enanthate in the same injection and you're gold.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    is this your first time using winny? if so then i would only run it for 6 weeks as opposed to 8 since those last two weeks won't really be necessary. if you ran it before over a shorter duration and didn't get the results you wanted then by all means increase and tell us how it works out.

    when im cycling with a twice a week inject scheme i take my rest day for the week during the 4 day downtime making it fall on the day before my next inject (if that makes sense.) that day i will also carb load to fuel my body for the rest of the week, so this is how it goes for me:

    monday - inject/train
    tuesday - train
    wednesday - train
    thursday -inject/train
    friday - train
    saturday - train
    sunday - rest/carb load

    i find that i have more energy and intensity under this plan and blood levels stabilize quicker.

    good luck bro.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Not sure - move a lot.
    Ok that makes sense... guess I'm just trying to avoid doing an inject with 3cc's in the pin. Guess I can go 2cc's (Primo/Enth mix) on Mon, 2cc's (Primo/Enth mix) on Wed and 2cc's of Primo on Friday... that would give me 400mg of Primo a week and 500 of Enth in 3 injects. Should work out ok.

    As far as running Winny, I'm currently running it now on my first cycle. I'm running it 6 weeks this time and may adjust as I go.

    To be honest I'm not sure what to expect from Winny. It doesn't seem to have much of an effect (atleast not yet, only in week 1 of using it at the tail end of this cycle) - but I figured due to it's very short half life that I'd feel something rather quickly with it. There are so many different opinions on Winny, it's uses, and it's benefits - I'm kinda just running it because my research showed that MOST people used it post cycle to help....what I dunno... hehehe

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