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Thread: Tren A / Tren E / Test E same shot?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    tempe, az

    Tren A / Tren E / Test E same shot?

    I am asking since I shoot the tren A EOD and the Tren E/ Test E EW thus every other week shot days will land on the same day.

    I have read you can combine any oil based steroid and I combine the tren E and test E same shot.

    The part where I am unsure is I read on a thread you can inject up to 4ml in your glute. I would only be doing 2.8ml in my glute but I want to confirm this one with you guys.

    You guys might ask...
    Tren E and A - are one ml each and the test e is the 0.8

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    2.8 ml at once in the glute is perfectly fine as far as I'm concerned. I've injected this much at once many times. One method I've mentioned that I use when injecting 2ml+ is to inject half of it with the needle almost completely in, pull the needle halfway out, aspirate again, then finish the injection. This will provide better spacing in the muscle, as opposed to one huge lump.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    tempe, az
    Thanks BBrian for the response.....Ill try your method out Tuesday when the shots land on the same day.

  4. #4
    how about 3to 4 ml and and not just the glute but the quads, triceps and shoulder as well

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    Shot size varies a lot depending on the muscle group, the individuals size, the compound/s being injected, as well as many other factors. I would reccomend you increase size slowly and do your own research, simply injecting based on what someone else may used can cause a world of problems. In my own experience I have found that after a certain point, particularly with short esters, that even though I can tolerate a certain shot size it takes so much longer for the area to recover that I am better off using a slightly smaller shot size so that I can hit the same spot again without fear of causing a sterile abcess, scar tissue etc. I say with short esters because with long esters by rotating sites you should never have plenty of time to recover before hitting the same spot again, Test undecoanate for TRT would be a good example of this, with nebido the shots are always in the glute and huge but are only given every month or two.

    As far as shooting more than 3 mls in locations like the Delt of particularly the Tris, this would be very unusual IMHO.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    No Sources Given
    Shot size varies a lot depending on the muscle group, the individuals size, the compound/s being injected, as well as many other factors. I would reccomend you increase size slowly and do your own research, simply injecting based on what someone else may used can cause a world of problems. In my own experience I have found that after a certain point, particularly with short esters, that even though I can tolerate a certain shot size it takes so much longer for the area to recover that I am better off using a slightly smaller shot size so that I can hit the same spot again without fear of causing a sterile abcess, scar tissue etc. I say with short esters because with long esters by rotating sites you should never have plenty of time to recover before hitting the same spot again, Test undecoanate for TRT would be a good example of this, with nebido the shots are always in the glute and huge but are only given every month or two.

    As far as shooting more than 3 mls in locations like the Delt of particularly the Tris, this would be very unusual IMHO.

    To the OP, 2.8 in the glute should be no problem at all. With combo ester shots ( currently using Tren A/ Deca/ Test Cyp in combo) I do 3 in the glute and 2.5 in the quads and 2 in the delts, and I am "far from massive" LOL.


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