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Thread: Gyno and plastic surgeon visit

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Gyno and plastic surgeon visit

    Not sure if this is best place for this, but since its related to my trt posting it here. It would actually be nice to make a compilation of a couple of my threads and call it my trt journal. If any admin wants to get with me on this, would want to include a few threads and compile it in order including people's comments.

    I've had gyno for all of my adult life basically, and have wanted it removed for years. its mostly on one side, and my other side has a small amount but if both were like it I wouldn't mind.

    It looked really bad recently when I was down to 193, but I'm up to about 215 now, and since starting trt it has gotten a bit softer and not as noticeable on one side, although it is still more sensitive than the other side.

    So since my old endo said I had to get it removed since he wasn't monitoring estrogen I decided to finally go ahead with it and make an appointment. Well since I changed doctors and its gotten less noticeable as well, I still wanted to get it fixed.

    Doctor basically said there was two ways he could go about it, and he didn't think at this point either one would really satisfy me. So I mentioned I was going to lose some weight and asked if that would make things easier for him. And he basically said with more fat gone he can do a better job shaving off the top of the glandular tissue. He said to get to a wait I was comfortable with. But that doesn't really work for me, as I am always changing, always want more muscle etc, always want less fat. I made an appointment for in 6 months because If I should do it, it needs to be this year. Although I was planning on losing fat till the end of the year and then doing a blast after whatever it takes to get the fat down. But this kind of forces me to lose some weight faster if I want to try and make it happen this year.

    My guess is I won't be down in bf enough in 6 months to feel comfortable having surgery, and I will put it off indefinitely. It would be nice if with balanced hormones it dissipates and isn't as much of a problem. Of course if I ever got really thin and there was excess glandular tissue it would be easier to target it and do a minor fix. One thing is great is he doesn't have to put me to sleep to do this procedure, one thing I didn't want to do.

    I'm lucky i found a doctor that won't just do the surgery and deform me and leave me unhappy. That's why I like the idea of second opinions because one might just say lets go on with it.

    So its at a wait and see deal right now.


    Since my awesome new doctor is looking at causes of some of my symptoms, I had a sleep test done this weekend as well, just one of those take home deals. I picked it up for free, but got a hotel since it is still a fraction of a price doing it locally. Anyways I woke up and it was off and the part that goes in your nose was out. So I hope they got at least 4 hours worth otherwise I am going to have to try and make arrangements to do it again. But I have noticed the last two nights as I fall asleep I wake up as I start snoring gasping for air, so my airway was closed off, and this is usually early on and wakes me up for a bit. My mother has sleep apnea but i'm not nearly as heavy set, but if this is a problem it is easily dealt with, so I want to rule it out or not get it taken care of, because everyone that has this issue talks so highly of the improvements on quality of life from it.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Six months is a decent amount of time. How much do you feel you need to lose? Does your current doc issue you AI's? I would definitely interview several doctors. Just like with regular docs, it may not be that particular plastic surgeons speciality. Get a good one!

  3. #3
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Six months is a decent amount of time. How much do you feel you need to lose? Does your current doc issue you AI's? I would definitely interview several doctors. Just like with regular docs, it may not be that particular plastic surgeons speciality. Get a good one!
    Apparently there are 3 docs that deal with gyno in this area, and 2 of them apparently know what they are doing. So if at some point I need to go to the other for another opinion I might in the future, but for now I think what he is saying makes a lot of sense, and he described the methods he would use and the draw backs.

    Doc has not issued an AI yet, I haven't had any problems that I have noticed of excess estrogen. Broke out twice since being on trt, first week I started, then the first week I added hcg before I lowered test dose. He plans to test estrogen soon as we are close to the right dosages for testosterone.

    I asked the doc how much I would need to lose, but all he really had to say is whatever you can do. Well I am guessing I am close to 20% bf give or take a few percent using various methods, sitting at 215 lbs. like higher so lets just say I have 165-170 lbs LBM. If I held on to all my muscle I would have to get down to about 185 lbs to be 10% bf. Which doesn't make much sense because recently when I got down to 193 I was likely at best 17% bf, could be the low test that is why I had poor results or my lbm is much lower than I would think. 193 at 17% is still 160 lbs lbm. So I'm thinking I need to lose 30-40 lbs, to give the doctor a fighting chance of seeing what is going on, but if I really want him to do a good job I would think it would be better to be lower bf than that. Really before my blast I only care to get to 10%, if not a little more. I definitely think counsel in the matter would be nice. I lift alone in my garage, small town, and when I get to lift with others when I visit places I get good powerlifting advice, but its like if you really want to be good at something you need advice as it pertains to the subject. I can't say I know everything even though it all has been a good portion of my life, still have tons of things to learn.

  4. #4
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    I had gyno surgery 6 years ago and a happy with results. They have to leave some glandular tissue behind the nipples to prevent concave appearance. Liposuction is part of the surgery so I'm not sure why you are worried about weight. I feel it's probably better to take less than more and end up witha deformity. Those are the ones that look the worse, but as long as you have a plastics doc that does them regularly ( greater than ten a year) and has good f/u pictures I wouldn't over think it.

  5. #5
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    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by doc w View Post
    I had gyno surgery 6 years ago and a happy with results. They have to leave some glandular tissue behind the nipples to prevent concave appearance. Liposuction is part of the surgery so I'm not sure why you are worried about weight. I feel it's probably better to take less than more and end up witha deformity. Those are the ones that look the worse, but as long as you have a plastics doc that does them regularly ( greater than ten a year) and has good f/u pictures I wouldn't over think it.
    well his two methods, basically seperated the two rather than using both. With lypo would cross over the affected area and remove some glandular and some fat, and would be the cosmetically superior method. the other was removing glandular tissue so that I wouldn't have the sensitivity. If I lose weight he compared glandular tissue to swiss cheese, the fat fills the holes, when that is reduced he can more easily get in their and shave off the top to a degree and do a better job shaping it.

    He also compared my situation to someone having their car break down and it gets towed to the shop, vs someone coming in saying their car is making a strange noise. Basically saying my gyno isn't that bad and its harder to deal with from his stand point. There's one other surgeon in town that should be capable, but if I had to travel to a better surgeon even farther that's not a big deal. But since it isn't as bad as it was a couple months ago I'm not as worried yet, if I lose weight and it is more pronounced then will probably have something done.

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