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Thread: My Second Cycle , Advice pls.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Vallejo, Ca

    My Second Cycle , Advice pls.

    Stats:26 y/o 5 11' 200 ilbs bf% unkown has to be well under 15% been working out seriously for the past 5 years eating healthy and dieting ever since.

    Cycle history:
    1)12 weeks Test Enanthate (I believe i was injecting 400mgs a week)

    PH History:
    1)8weeks P-tren H-drol M-drol (Way advance for my 1st PH cycle luckily i did my homework first and had cycle support a.i and proper pct)
    2)8weeks P-Stanz H-Drol M-drol
    3)8weeks Furuza-A H-drol 4weeks 11-Sterone H-drol 4weeks

    My next test cycle i'm going to try and keep it simple. My goals are looking to achieve more mass and str with little to no water rentention and sides.
    Test Cycle 2:
    Test Cypionate
    Week1-12 650 mgs e/w
    Week 1-4 30-40 mgs e/d (Should i up this?)(I was thinking kick starting my cycle with S-drol i have lying around and not d-bol what do you think?)

    PCT: Got my Serms and A.I from Ar-r
    Week 14-18 Nolv: 20/20/40/40 mg e/d
    Week 14-18 clom: 50/50/100/100 mg e/d
    AI: Letro .25 mg eod (if needed) (I will up the dosage from .25 if i have to)

    Diet:1-2 cups oatmeal /w 1 scoop peanut butter 4-5 eggs (1 whole egg 4 egg whites )(sometimes i will have a yogurt to)

    Protein shake

    Chicken and rice or yams or Tuna sandwich with egg whites (Wheat Bread)

    Pre Protein shake

    Work out

    Post Protein shake

    Steak,fish or chicken with rice or potato (yams) and greens (spinach , broccoli, asparagus )

    Protein shake (before bed)

    My Concerns and questions:
    1) what do you guys think of my dosages for my pct and AI?
    2) I know clom and nolva are both estrogen blockers do i need to get a test booster or is clomid enough for that?
    3) 650 mgs of Test Cyp e/w is alot for a second cycle but i have x4 10ml vials at 200mg/1ml and i don't want alot of unusable test leftover, i think i can get away with this dosage and get max results with out the sides.
    4) Should i inject 650 mgs at onetime or should i space out 650 mgs through out the week?
    5) Letro is for bloat water retention and gyno right?
    6) If i think of anymore questions ill be sure to ask thank you.
    Last edited by SeXc1985; 03-28-2012 at 11:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    1) Why are you running the dose of each SERM during the first 2 weeks of your PCT? 40/40/20/20 and 100/100/50/50 would be better IMO
    2)I wouldn't bother with a test booster 2 SERMs should be fine
    3) I recommend lowering the dose to 500mg a week, what were your gains off 400mg?
    4)twice a week
    5) Pretty much, its an AI which helps with estrogen and water retention and gyno are due to estrogen usually
    6) I recommend HCG 250iu twice a week throughout your cycle ending 5 days before PCT

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Carving Stone with Steel
    Quote Originally Posted by SeXc1985
    Stats: 5 11' 200 ilbs bf% unkown has to be well under 15% been working out seriously for the past 5 years eating healthy and dieting ever since.

    Cycle history:
    1)12 weeks Test Enanthate (I believe i was injecting 400mgs a week)

    PH History:
    1)8weeks P-tren H-drol M-drol (Way advance for my 1st PH cycle luckily i did my homework first and had cycle support a.i and proper pct)
    2)8weeks P-Stanz H-Drol M-drol
    3)8weeks Furuza-A H-drol 4weeks 11-Sterone H-drol 4weeks

    My next test cycle i'm going to try and keep it simple. My goals are looking to achieve more mass and str with little to no water rentention and sides.
    Test Cycle 2:
    Test Cypionate
    Week1-12 650 mgs e/w
    Week 1-4 30-40 mgs e/d (Should i up this?)(I was thinking kick starting my cycle with S-drol i have lying around and not d-bol what do you think?)

    PCT: Got my Serms and A.I from Ar-r
    Week 14-18 Nolv: 20/20/40/40 mg e/d
    Week 14-18 clom: 50/50/100/100 mg e/d
    AI: Letro .25 mg eod (if needed) (I will up the dosage from .25 if i have to)

    Diet:1-2 cups oatmeal /w 1 scoop peanut butter 4-5 eggs (1 whole egg 4 egg whites )(sometimes i will have a yogurt to)

    Protein shake

    Chicken and rice or yams or Tuna sandwich with egg whites (Wheat Bread)

    Pre Protein shake

    Work out

    Post Protein shake

    Steak,fish or chicken with rice or potato (yams) and greens (spinach , broccoli, asparagus )

    Protein shake (before bed)

    My Concerns and questions:
    1) what do you guys think of my dosages for my pct and AI?
    2) I know clom and nolva are both estrogen blockers do i need to get a test booster or is clomid enough for that?
    3) 650 mgs of Test Cyp e/w is alot for a second cycle but i have x4 10ml vials at 200mg/1ml and i don't want alot of unusable test leftover, i think i can get away with this dosage and get max results with out the sides.
    4) Should i inject 650 mgs at onetime or should i space out 650 mgs through out the week?
    5) Letro is for bloat water retention and gyno right?
    6) If i think of anymore questions ill be sure to ask thank you.
    If ur looking for less water retention try and find's like dbol with no bloat..and yes u can use it to kick start your cycle..30-40mg ed not all taken at once..if u can, and instead of using letro for an AI..use aromasin or adex. Ai also helps with water retention..Split the cyp injection in two too times a week to keep blood lvls stable..monday and thursday is a food schedual..clomid and nova are for post cycle therapy to stimulate lh to make your testis produce testosterone don't have to use them on cycle..hcg should be 250iu 3 times a week to maintain testicular function. As far as the diet you will hear it from others too many protien shakes..more real food..your last pct was in reverse with the clomid you should go 50/50/25/25 and nova 40/40/20/20.. but at least u did pct so that's a plus
    Last edited by Razor; 03-28-2012 at 06:14 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Vallejo, Ca
    @JonnyConcrete- Thanks for the advice brother i will run my pct like you said 20/20/40/40 50/50/100/100 2weeks exactly after my last shot of test and i will try and get my hands on some hcg, and my first cycle was at 500mg a week mon-thurs not 400mg and as far as my gains where from my first cycle its hard to say i was 230 lbs benching 315 lbs 4-6 reps and im 200 lbs now , so i would say mabey 15-20 lbs gained. (Mostly Water retention im sure)

    @Razr- Thanks for your input ill be sure to go to the diet section and get that in check.
    Last edited by SeXc1985; 03-29-2012 at 02:47 AM.

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