I was recently diagnosed with low testosterone. I just recently wen on a strict low calorie diet of around 2000 calories training 6 times a week.
Also only taking in 60g of fat per day. Could this be the cause
Of my low t???
I was recently diagnosed with low testosterone. I just recently wen on a strict low calorie diet of around 2000 calories training 6 times a week.
Also only taking in 60g of fat per day. Could this be the cause
Of my low t???
Last edited by Movingmetal; 01-20-2016 at 07:53 AM.
I am not a doctor, but I seriously doubt it.
agree with above
slight drop at best
what r your stats, history of aas use, etc.
what EXACTYLY and who diagnosed ...r they actually calling it just lowT now like the commercial?
what did said doctor say/advise/prescribe?
I'm curious what determined the low diagnosis. Obviously it must have been BW, but what was encompassed in your panels? The LH & FSH labs will tell the tale if there's little or a lot of activity in the HPTA, which can help to properly diagnose a primary or secondary condition.
We NEED more information from you in order to even begin any minimal discussion about your situation.
in other words post your complete blood work with ranges if you have it.
If he's "low" at the age of 21 it could suggest pathology...need to see BW and history as noted.
it seems as if we dont get a lot of follow up on our very young members with lowT-those NOT having ruined their hpta with aas use
depends how low and how valid the test was... was it early AM?
you can effect testosterone a lot with lifestyle, diet and stress in the short term. at age 21, I would certainly get a follow up reading in a few weeks.
do you do any drugs (Rx or otherwise)? any prohormones, steroids, or any supplements? alcohol?
All tests were taken in the morning by an endochronologist. I had 3 tests and all were bellow 8nmol/L. I have not taken any steroids.
My LH and FSH were also Low. Below 2 for LH from memory.
Last edited by Movingmetal; 01-20-2016 at 07:54 AM.
ok sorry for being a noob. i will have to go to the doctors and get a print out of results within the next few weeks. thanks everyone appreciate it. pissed off but
no problem bro, we're here to help!
I was dieting hard, training harder, and also going out once a week. I was taking in 1900 calories every other day. I had a good size going before i went on this diet. I had fair amount of muscle mass and around 15% body fat. So its hard for me to accept that i just lost my test levels, unless they were always low.
Last edited by Movingmetal; 01-20-2016 at 07:55 AM.
Changes in testosterone can be dramatic in the short term. You pretty much went on a recipe to decrease your testosterone.
I would make these obvious changes before I considered anything hormonal.
I have spoken to a few people that claim this has also happened to them. I would give anything to finish TRT and go back to my normal life. I have been on trt for around 2 months now. Which leaves the big question. Is it possible to recover my original levels if i decide to finish TRT? Should i go to my endo and ask to come off trt? you guys have been great so far thankyou
yes of course its possible to return to your natural production, simply do a PCT, change your life style, eat good, train hard and you're good to go. just pretend your last two months is a very light cycle.
guess my questions didnt need to be answered
heres a statement
dont go on trt UNLESS YOU NEED IT!
There was NO use of AAS before diagnosis of low testosterone. Was 100% natural. The cutting diet went for around 15 weeks and involved drinking and smoking once every 2 weeks. I lifted 5 days a week and cardio 6 days a week on around 2000 calories with extremely low fat. I was diagnosed with 3 separate low testosterone tests over a months period. All well under the low limit. I dont have the exact numbers as the doc didnt give them to me. i can get them in a few weeks time however as i will go back.
Last edited by Movingmetal; 01-20-2016 at 07:56 AM.
ok then
if you were diagnose with low T then why the talk of going off
talk of pct is when ppl have created their low T and if once had higher levels...yours was born with...you need supplemental T
just my .02
I find it extremely hard to believe that drinking and smoking once every two weeks is going to effect your hormone levels...and I get how the liver processes E2 that competes with the byproducts of alcohol. Hell, I have 2 to 4 Vodka Tonics each and every night just about and my BW is damn near ideal....and yes I get everyone is different but once every two weeks...doubt it very much.
Could point to diet but we need to see BW as noted.
Ok so I called the doctors to get results on paper so I can post them here. I will do this next week when I can pick them up. The past month or so I have been depressed, low lipido, no interest in anything really. 6 months ago I was not this person. I was highly sexually active and extremely happy. After the cutting diet is when i started to feel like shit but I was so dedicated I ignored the symptoms. I do not believe I had low t before this diet. I have been on trt for the past 3 months and it hasn't helped at all to be honest. The depression is just getting worse. I want to stop trt and try get my life back. I feel my doctor has no idea what he is talking about so wondering exactly what I could do to try and get my hpta working again. If this fails, I guess I will just go back on trt. Nothing to lose. Please help thanks
It can effect it if they test are done the day after he was out drinking heavily, right? That combined with the dieting could have given abnormally low levels.
Was this the case Movingmetal?
It will be interesting to see what your levels actually were.
BTW as a normal rule HRT is for life so if you want to get off HRT and get your levels back to normal you need to do as suggested and do a full PCT (read up on it) and get your diet straightened out. Eat properly and no binge drinking. You can loose fat easy enough doing proper cardio, Hiit cardio, working out and eating right. You need to visit the diet section here. DONT take for granted you know how to diet, it helped you get to where you are.
So my total testosterone levels over three separate tests were 120ng/dl, 145ng/dl and 145ng/dl. My
Total fat intake could have been as low as 30g per day as I included cooking oils
In my macros. Calories were around 1900-2000 calories. Is it normal to just loose your
Testosterone levels as a 20 year old male? All I know is before the diet all
I thought about was girls, and now I just feel like shit.
What is a proper pct I could try? How long until my levels have a chance to get back up?
"It can effect it if they test are done the day after he was out drinking heavily, right?"
Not that I know of especially in 24 hours lovbyts.
Chronic intake of alcohol over longer periods of time can effect Testosterone levels and more importantly E2 levels as the same pathways in the liver that clear out the byproducts of alcohol are the same for E2 metabolism; so they compete.
That's why we see so many "beer bellies"...it's not the beer it's more the increase in E2 levels in chronic drinkers.
Am I reading correctly...all was good BEFORE trt? Wut was the reason for going on? Things went bad after injecting test?
Tests were not taken the morning after drinking. I stopped drinking after my first low reading, then second two blood tests were are being sober for at least 3 weeks. I was still on the low calorie low fat diet however. Yes JPKMAN, Before going on TRT, i was 100%. I had NOT taken any anabolic steroids or anything of the sort. So my low test cant be from AAS use. The symptoms all started about 8 weeks into the diet. The supplements taken were fish oil, multi vitamin, oxyelite pro, zinc, BCAA, and re create. Did cardio on empty stomach in the morning, and trained in the afternoon. I will be going back to the endo tomorrow to get a print out of BW and request to come off trt.
I.just got more and more confused
I reread and i don't see where you are actually ON trt? Correct? Just diagnosed with low t...but no treatment?
Yes I am currently on trt. I was diagnosed with low t 3 months ago and have been on trt ever since. I am on Reandron 1000 4ml injections every 10-14 weeks. It's half life is 53 days. I believe the cause of my low testosterone was a cutting diet I began around 6 months ago that went for 3 months. As it was my first cut, it was poorly structured and lacked severely in fats.
Only around 30g a day. So the problem is I don't know if I had
Low t before this diet as I was never checked. I had good lipido and felt good every day.
Ever since being diagnosed with low t
I've been depressed and everything is shit.
So I want to stop before its too late and try
And recover my old lifestyle. As mentioned, i had never taken steroids so they couldn't be the cause of my low t. I have read several other forums
With guys that suffered the same low t as
Me, but changed their diet and recovered their levels
Back. My endo said diet couldn't lead
To low t so i went strait on treatment without trying to change my diet first.
I think that is a good choice of stopping TRT and trying to get your natural testosterone working about with a better diet and maybe something to kick get your system working about. Maybe talk to the doc about using HCG for a while to get things working? You dont want to use any type of testosterone/aas because it will shut down your natural production and you will be reliant on it and the longer you are one it the less chance you have of recovering your natural test.
I'm not sure what to suggest for a PCT since what you are using has such a LONG 1/2 life but I'm sure gdivine has some good ideas as usual.
Dont expect miracles over night. You will be on PCT for at least 4 weeks and it may take a couple weeks past that to get things working 100% but you will need blood test to be sure. You might want to see if the doctor will give you some 5mg daily Cialis to get things working again but this not a fix, only a band-aid until things are working again naturally. It will be more of a piece of mind knowing things will work when/if you need it to.
Last edited by lovbyts; 04-30-2012 at 12:35 AM.
u must have a 2 threader cuz i didnt see the reandron post until i asked
but ok...wow, so when does the reandron leave the system...
hows the diet now?
best of luck recovering bro
Well as Reandron has a Half life
Of 53 days, it will take a very long time. I've had 2
Injections of 1000mg of testosterone undercoate. I have the endo appointment today I will post up previous blood work and let you guys know what will happen
So i went to the endo. Before beginning trt, my blood work was.
Total testosterone- 6.8 nmol/L. Normal range 8-30 nmol/L.
SHBG- 31 nmol/L. Normal range 17-66 nmol/L
FAI- 21.9%. Normal range 23.3-103%
FHS- 4.8 IU/L. Normal range 1-18
LH- 2.1 IU/L. Normal range 1-12
Prolactin- 6.9ug/L. Normal range <20
Once i began trt, I was administered Reandron 1000 4ml. 6 weeks later i was given another injection. 2 weeks after the second injection i had another blood test. So basically 8 weeks after beginning trt. Results were.
Total testosterone- 26 nmol/L
SHBG- 26 nmol/L
Free androgen index- 100.4%
Free testosterone- 669 pmol/L. Normal range 100-500 pmol/L
I told him about me low calorie low restrictive diet and he said there is little literature on the subject. He honestly believes that the low testosterone reading was from this diet however. As i had significant amounts of muscle mass, facial hair, and fully developed testicles. So we made a decision to come off trt. No HCG, no anti E or anything. He said we should go cold turkey and just let my body recover on its own. We are going to get blood work every month for 3 months and track progress. I have upped my diet to 180g of carb, 230g of protein and 107g of fat each day to equal 2700 calories.
Heres to hoping my body starts working again.
just imho i find it hard to believe that the diet you mention pre trt could do THAT much harm to cause/create a dysfunctional hpta...2,000 calories with said macros seems sufficient
just my .02
i hope it works out one way or the other though
i do appreciate your opinion jpkman. Well i guess im taking a leap of faith. If all fails in 3 months time, i will go back on trt for life i guess. Its worth a shot while i still have a chance. Any advice in how to raise your natural testosterone production?
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