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Thread: better and better, dont give up.

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    better and better, dont give up.

    Hi guys, Im posting my experiences for the new guys and anybody on the fence with trt. Ive read a few posts that resembled my experiences with trt that left people wondering about the future, where the initial injection is great and then things go back to almost normal and its dissapointing.

    Well, let me tell you, after 2 and a half months, the last two Weeks I have been feeling like I was in my 20's again. I swear to it, and Im 47 y/o and 65 lbs overweight with a bad heart. Heres how Ive done it and I know the best is yet to come.

    So, I started with a test level of 87. I overcompensated and talked my Dr. into 300Mg a week of test. Big mistake. Like I said, felt great for a week, then in the gutter. studied the boards and asked ???s here and slowly pulled myself back to normal.

    Next phase, I started a weight lifting program and high protein low fat diet from this site. Started biking everyday. I got myself on an hcg regimine 3x a week and included Arimidex. I also began a whole slew of supplements learned all from here. A month and a half later, I swear to God, my Wife of 20 years is in heaven.

    Our sex life has NEVER been this good, not even as newlyweds. Im a new Man. Ill be completly honest with you gjys, because I feel that thankful for this forum. 6 months before I got tested for low T I was Suicidal. Seriously Suicidal.
    With your help,, and my Dr., but mostly yours, I am looking forward to a long and healthy life.

    Love you guys, oh yea, the reason for my post.

    Noobies, NEVER GIVE UP. Get dialed in with help from these wonderful people.
    Last edited by socalfun64; 04-24-2012 at 08:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Great post SoCal!

    We never get tired of success stories

    The key NOW is to stick with what you're doing and for the rest of your life!

    The biggest challenge is doing what you're doing for the long haul. Many people (and I am not saying you) give up over time and find "excuses" for not sticking to thier training routine, or give in to diet because "high protein diets don't taste like Pizza" LOL!

    When you see the results like you have, and they will only get better; it's usually that alone that will fuel your determination for the lone haul...I know because I am one of those guys!

    Welcome to another 50 years of a healthy life my friend...kid you not!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I agree with gd...great post, SoCal!

    Congrats on your success, and all the best to continue your progress!

    Your post, along with the support of all the others who have given me encouragement, and help, is indeed keeping me motivated.

    I'm hoping my journey will soon take a turn in the right direction, and I will do all that I can to make sure that happens.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Awesome Socal! Just awesome! So nice to hear success stories. That is what this forum is about as far as I'm concerned. Supporting each other through these issues with the wealth of knowledge and wisdom of the membership here. The human element is most impressive. Almost brought a tear to my eye, then again, it could just be low E! Just kidding.

    Very happy for you. Keep us posted on how things go and stick around!

  5. #5
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    Thanks guys! I really am just so amazed at how I feel, I HAD TO share. I also have got my 17 y/o Son lifting weights at home with me every other day, and taking his health seriously for the first time, and it has brought us closer than ever.

    I'm sure he sees the big changes in me and it is actually bringing the whole family closer. I will stick to this, and with the knowledge here and support, I know it will only get better yet.

    Thanks guys

  6. #6
    That was a great post.
    Promising for the rest of us.
    Thank you!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Socalfun64042412 before.jpg 
Views:	192 
Size:	89.5 KB 
ID:	122330 Socalfun64..... before. Don't Laugh, I'm working on it... I'll add updated pics as I progress. 47 y/o 6.ft 2in. 265lbs 35% bf??
    Last edited by socalfun64; 04-24-2012 at 11:51 PM. Reason: added pic

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I can't tell you how awesome it is to hear your success! Like the other guys said, it's what makes this group what it is. Its not only asking questions but sharing in the joy of someones getting their life back! Doesn't get much better than that! Congrats SoCal!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by vinceproduction View Post
    I can't tell you how awesome it is to hear your success! Like the other guys said, it's what makes this group what it is. Its not only asking questions but sharing in the joy of someones getting their life back! Doesn't get much better than that! Congrats SoCal!
    Thanks vince, I agree 100%. It makes all the difference having quality info and support available, all in one place too! I had a depressing view of my future, as far as health and happiness goes. I now have a new lease on life. Cliche I know, but true!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Good to hear SoCal, got to love the success stories and thankfully it's all the time but it never gets old.
    Good luck with the next steps and take them slow so you dont have any setbacks.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Awesome post

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Socal it is great to hear a success story.I am still trying to dial in and this post gives me hope for the results I am looking to achieve .It is great to see a pic of you and I am looking forward to see how you progress and how your body changes.On the other hand I really really miss your old avatar.Who was that girl ?Maybe I am getting some results.It looks like my libido is picking up because I miss that pic .

  13. #13
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    Socal, always nice to start my morning off with uplifting news, great job. As GD puts it the motivation will be there in tough times as you see your body transform. You will NOT give in to temptation (food) as your body continues to change. Look up an old post by 405, he posted before and after as many other did (Bass and others I dont recall off hand) but thats all the motivation in the world! Keep it up and keep all posted, even if you hit a roadblock??

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    So. Cal
    SoCal - did you get your test dialed in before you did the hcg? In other words, did you get test optimized and settled before adding to the equation? And how much test are u on now?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by freshmaker View Post
    SoCal - did you get your test dialed in before you did the hcg? In other words, did you get test optimized and settled before adding to the equation? And how much test are u on now?
    Freshmaker, I have been keeping a running log, which really helps. I just looked back, and the big improvements started on 3/28 (I wrote in my log that I felt "great all week, no depression and more energy". I then started the hcg on 4/2, and from the end of that first week, it got better every day. I am now on 140mg a week Test-Cyp, .350iu hcg 3x a week and Liquidex @ .50 2x a week. When I started the hcg, I lowered my Test dose and raised my AI a bit to compensate. I didn't really need it, but just for fun I added liquid Cialis fro ar-r as well on the weekends, and I kid you not, I have brought my Wife to new heights of pleasure never before experienced. I don't think I can be more explicit, but our Sex life is over the moon. My overall Family life has improved 100%, just because I'm my old self and even better.

    Best of luck Bro, keep reading. I've literally been studying the posts here for a couple months now and learning as much as I can about my health and diet and exercise.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by bullshark99 View Post
    Socal, always nice to start my morning off with uplifting news, great job. As GD puts it the motivation will be there in tough times as you see your body transform. You will NOT give in to temptation (food) as your body continues to change. Look up an old post by 405, he posted before and after as many other did (Bass and others I dont recall off hand) but thats all the motivation in the world! Keep it up and keep all posted, even if you hit a roadblock??
    I have to say, 405 was a big inspiration to me. I saw his log and was like, that could be me. I am taking it steady and at a good pace, because I don't want injury to set me back. There are a ton of inspirational stories on here.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    glad for you bro

    and best of continued good health

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    In Southern Commiefornia
    good stuff Socal, great post. happy for you bro!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    good stuff Socal, great post. happy for you bro!

    One hint and one suggestion: drop your HCG to 500IU per week (we've talked about this before) and get some BW asap - you still might be a bit high on the test.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Thanks for posting your experience; it's inspiring to say the least.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Great story bro!!!! I totally understand how you felt before you started, most here do, thanks for sharing some success with all of us. It keeps getting better too, I've been pouring concrete the last 3 days with a couple buddies of the same age (46-47) and these guys are totally exhausted at the end of the day and look at me like I've lost my mind when I suggest that we take a break and then start forming up the next section, one guy asked me what the hell happened to me in the last couple years, he thinks I'm snorting coke, how else could I lose 50 lbs and the man boobs and have energy to work like a man in his 20s? I just laugh and smile.

    Keep up the good work and thanks for reminding us why we do this and why we encourage others when they struggle!!!!

  22. #22
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    In my house
    double post

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Good work bro. Keep on keepin' on.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    did you figure out why you were so low on test? 87 I don't think Ive seen anyone's that low.

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    So. Cal
    Can you tell what is happening in regards to hcg - what does it do for mood, energy, etc?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    did you figure out why you were so low on test? 87 I don't think Ive seen anyone's that low.
    Mine was actually 40.3 when I started TRT back in February. Last week it was up to 611.

    I'm sure my obesity had a lot to do with it, along with my age. Possibly also my type 2 diabetes.

    Apologies for butting in on SoCal's thread, just wanted to let it be known that test really can get ultra low.

    BTW, I'm 52.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecdysone View Post

    One hint and one suggestion: drop your HCG to 500IU per week (we've talked about this before) and get some BW asap - you still might be a bit high on the test.
    I'm sure your right. I was just so happy with the hcg results, I let it get the best of me again and wanted to up the dose a little. I still have to work on that trait of mine (if a little is good, more must be better), lol! I will take your advice, and I'm getting BW middle of next week. I'll post up results.

    Thanks for the advice, again...
    Last edited by socalfun64; 04-26-2012 at 03:02 AM.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brohim View Post
    did you figure out why you were so low on test? 87 I don't think Ive seen anyone's that low.
    I went through all the pre-screening tests, including CT Scan (can't do MRI due to AICD attached to my heart). I was diagnosed with (secondary Hypogonadism). I had a small 2.4mm tumor on my pituitary, but they think it was probably due to my chronic use of pain meds. I got jacked up while in the Military, and had some pretty severe injuries that caused my permanent retirement on disability, as well as a life of pain. I finally had my left leg amputated a couple years ago and have been able to lower my meds down to a reasonable dose. They never warned me, but I've since read the studies that Opiates will kill your Testosterone over time. I will have a followup on the tumor in 4 months to see if it has grown, but one way or the other, I'll be on T for life. I'm okay with it obviously, because it has given me a new outlook on life!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by freshmaker View Post
    Can you tell what is happening in regards to hcg - what does it do for mood, energy, etc?
    Yes, definitely! I was feeling good on just the test, once it was down to a normal level, then when I added the hcg, at the end of the first week I felt..... it's hard to put exactly into words, but just happier and more like I used to feel before my life took a nasty turn. I also have had more energy than I've had in freakin years and years! Some days I can't believe it. I worry that someones gonna think I'm on drugs or something. It's really a great feeling!

    I was almost giddy the second week. It has mellowed some now, but the "feeling of well being" everybody talks about is very real! I'd testify to it! If you haven't tried it, please do. It's worth every penny and much more in my book. Oh yeah, my "boys" have plumped up nicely as well! lol!
    Last edited by socalfun64; 04-26-2012 at 03:05 AM.

  30. #30
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by socalfun64 View Post
    I went through all the pre-screening tests, including CT Scan (can't do MRI due to AICD attached to my heart). I was diagnosed with (secondary Hypogonadism). I had a small 2.4mm tumor on my pituitary, but they think it was probably due to my chronic use of pain meds. I got jacked up while in the Military, and had some pretty severe injuries that caused my permanent retirement on disability, as well as a life of pain. I finally had my left leg amputated a couple years ago and have been able to lower my meds down to a reasonable dose. They never warned me, but I've since read the studies that Opiates will kill your Testosterone over time. I will have a followup on the tumor in 4 months to see if it has grown, but one way or the other, I'll be on T for life. I'm okay with it obviously, because it has given me a new outlook on life!
    Was wondering how that occured. Thank you for your service and for your sacrifice!


  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Was wondering how that occured. Thank you for your service and for your sacrifice!

    yes, many-many thanks!

  32. #32
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    In regards to HCG, I have to say it gives me a boost in libido the day of the injection. A noticeable difference. I usually get good morning wood the morning after as well. Curious what my next BW will be like since incorporating an AI. Will find out free test this time around too.

    One of the things you mentioned which now looking back I think I had as well was a bout of depression. Brain fog is gone, no longer feeling depressed and getting great gains in the gym. Im still tired all the time but now I can come to realize its not test or high e2 but get this... LACK OF SLEEP!!! I have a youngin that doesnt sleep thru the night still and I always have interrupted sleep. I went away this past week on a business trip and had the best night sleep!

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by GFA View Post
    Im still tired all the time but now I can come to realize its not test or high e2 but get this... LACK OF SLEEP!!! I have a youngin that doesnt sleep thru the night still and I always have interrupted sleep. I went away this past week on a business trip and had the best night sleep!

    ...this TRT is such a complicated affair - so many factors, and so little time to sort them all out!

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    yes, many-many thanks!
    thank you very much

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