Help me where you see the need please , ive just got back into the gym 2-3weeks back.
My stats
Age : 20
Weight : 81.4kg
Height : 5' 6.5 1.69cm
Bmi : 28.5
Body fat : 17.6%
Body fat mass : 14.3kg
My body mass index is 28.8kg
Monday - Biceps & abs
Tuesday - Shoulders & cardio in sauna suite
Weday - chest & abs
Thurs - tris & Cardio in sauna suite
Friday - back & legs & abs
Saturday - What ever isn't hurting
sunday relax day
This is just what I do right now, please help me get better
MY AIMS are to turn my fat into muscle but keep it ripped rather than bulk.
What I eat?
Morning - 35g oats so simple with 180ml milk
snack - 1 hand full of nuts
lunch - chicken soup alone
after workout - iso 100 dynatize whey shake (28g protein)
dinner - tuna and pasta (sometimes with a bit of sauce)
I am trying so hard :P im so motivated