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Thread: Ghrp-6

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010


    Hopefully someone can clear this up for me here. I have 5mg vials of GHRP-6 that I added 2mL of bact water to. I have 1cc 10unit insulin syringes. I am confused on how much i need to draw up for proper dose. I have heard 2.5 ticks, 4 ticks, and 6 ticks.

    Can someone help???

  2. #2
    2.5 ticks will be 100mcg which is where you want to be try adding some mod grf 1-29 will work for you so much better

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    I usually add 2.5ml so that 1/2 ticks = 100mcg.

    math check:
    5mg = 50 doses at 100mcg
    2.5ml = .05ml x 50 doses

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Quote Originally Posted by Get hench Die Trying View Post
    2.5 ticks will be 100mcg which is where you want to be try adding some mod grf 1-29 will work for you so much better
    sorry. this is a wrong answer. if 2.5 ticks, then 4 doses per ml. OP would consume the entire 5mg vial in 8 doses if 2.5 ticks per dose

    so 5mg divided by 8 doses = 625mcg per dose if 2ml added to 5mg vial and 2.5 ticks per dose

    assume you mean 2.5ticks = 0.25ml

  5. #5
    Add 2.5 ml of water. Drawing up 1 20th of a ml (half of 0.1ml mark) will give you 100mcg. But I would agree with adding something to it. I use CJC 1295 and have had good results.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Ok so my syringes have the numbers 10 -100 on them. You guys are saying half of 10 is 100mcg? I figured pull to the # 10 for a good dose 2-3 times a day?

    And yes I will be adding mod grf after the research I've done. Also interested in hgh frag for fat loss. Any input there. Also, when using these different peptides can they all be drawn in the same pin and shot or should it be separate shots.

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