Im so close to the dark side my nuts are starting to tingle with anticipation.Just finished college till september so ill be starting in two weeks time.
age:24(25 in september)
been training for 4 years now
proposed cycle
wk1-12 testE 500mg/wk
wk1-4 dbol 30mg/day
wk1-12 hcg 500ius/wk
wk1-12 a-dex .25mg eod
wk14-18 nolva 40/40/20/20
wk14-18 clomid 100/100/50/50
7am:large bowl oats,12 egg whites +3 yolks
10am:300g chick breast,100g rice,veggies
1pm:300g chick breast,100g rice,veggies
4pm:300g chick breast,100g rice,veggies
post workout:40g whey 3 large bananas
post work out meal:300g chick breast,100g rice,veggies
30-60 before bedmlette with 12 egg whites,3 yolks,6 pork sausages and maybe some cheese
*i eat chick breast 80% of time but ill sometimes switch it for beef of fish.usaully eat another 4-5 pieces of fruit.
some points i want to clear up
needles:for the test i will draw with a 20g and pin with a 25g.i plan on pinning glute,quad and delt,so will i need inch and inch and a half pins?for hcg im kinda unsue about which pins to use.
dbol-i know some will say to leave it out but id really like to add a kickstart and have left it at a low dose.would any lower be useless?
im sure ill have a few more questions but just want to make sure im all set.feel free to add anything as it will be fully appreciated.