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Thread: Needing Help

  1. #1

    Needing Help

    Okay so I have here...LG Science: Methyl 1-D Strength And
    Mass, LG Science Formadrol Extreme Anti-Xenoestrogen, LG
    Science MMv3 Strength Complex, And Hardcore Formulations
    S-ROID...Oh And Milk Thistle...So What I'm Coming To You Guys
    For Is To Ask...How Do I take These I Know I'm Asking A
    Lot...I Bought This Stuff While On Deployment...But Was
    Scared To Use It...Now That I'm Out Of The Service I Want To
    Try...Please Don't Judge Me I'm Just Asking For HONEST
    Help...I'm Six-One And Weighs Probably Around One Fifty
    Six...PLEASE HELP...And Is Running Enough For Steroids To
    Work...And What About These Man Boobs..."GYNO"...I Just Want
    To Get Bigger...Not A Sex Please Help!...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    man that is hard to read. if your 6'1 and 150 there is no reason to use steroids. And no reason if you just run. Most make running harder.
    Most of what you have is OTC crap i would never use or recommend anyone to use. Typically worse then steroids
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Long Island
    I agree with GixxerBoy1 --- that stuff is garbage.
    It sounds to me - like youve been small your whole life and just want to be a full bodied as the next guy? Right? And anyone that brings up running - is obviously doing alot of cardio -- which will NOT make you bigger. So IMO - Eat more and run less. Replace all your fatty garbage foods with actual muscle building protein. Steak steak steak! And wash it down with baked potato or some kind of starch. You can still run if thats your thing, but to build muscle try running uphill, or using weighted anklets and wrist bands. And to increase chest and arms with out the gym - PUSH UPS. So -- go slice up the neighbors cow and drop about 100 push ups a day and you should be good.

  4. #4
    Oh ok Cool Thanks So Much Cause That's Exactly Where All Of It's Going Is In The Trash...Ok So If It's Not Too Much Let Me Know Everything I Will Need I Want To Do This The Right Way!...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    Welcome to the board mate!
    Former long distance runner here. For me, weight was the enemy. I worked out moderately, but did not want to bulk up, obviously. There is a spectrum of muscle fibers. At one end, there is fast twitch for strength, and the other, slow twitch for endurance. Distance runners want slow twitch muscle fiber, and these steroids will not do that for you. Now here's the part that confuses me. On the one hand you say you want to get bigger, and on the other, it seems you are a runner. You should pick one or the other, but not both. Unless your running interests are non compeititive, and you are not concerned about losing time as you get bigger.

    I think you should clearly state your goals. Are you a competitive runner? Are you willing to give that up (the competitiveness) to get bigger?

    Please advise


  6. #6
    Oh Ok Cool So What Do You Suggest...I Just Want To Do It The Right Way...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Long Island
    haha -- I agree......I heard the word running and got confused. Most people on here see Running as the enemy....
    Running as a work out source will be harder to maintain large muscle I THINK --- however im not a runner so I dont know.
    Like I said -- more protien, and push ups,...less running. Or as suggested above...if you want to run for a reason you may have to stick with being thin. lol when i think of myself running the term "bull in a china shop" comes to mind

  8. #8
    Hey Roman!...Okay So I'm Learning Here That...I'll Have To Choose Out Of Being Big And Running?...Well I Actually Thought I Could Get Bigger AND Still Be Able To Run...But Yeah I Can Give It Up I Just Need Some Brothers To Walk Me Through My Journey...

  9. #9
    Lmao that's funny ok so I've learned running and steroids are a no no noooo lmao...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Long Island
    ummmmm.....i might be totally off on this....but sounds liek you might like the affects that HGH gives you....

  11. #11
    And what is HGH why do you think I might want that one what does it do and can I find it. Just by googling HGH?...

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