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Thread: need help,estrogen levels through the roof

  1. #1

    Exclamation need help,estrogen levels through the roof

    im new here, need some help please

    i started my first cycle back in mid april, my cycle is 16 weeks and is about to come to a close, my nipples have been on fire for a month, so i decided that the shitty liquid letro wasnt working and saw a docter. this was 2 weeks ago, she prescribed me adex and i ended up getting some blood work done. today my dr told me i need to stop my cycle pronto. prescribed me nova more adex and hcg today after reading my blood work said i needed to detox, then in the same sentence tried to sell me on hrt, im 25 years old, im not trying to be shut down for the rest of my life.

    her are the results

    test level 2130
    free test 1105
    estrogen 339 dr told me at 500 i will die.
    growth hormone was super high i guess. dont remember the number, she asked if i was gh too, i said no, she though i was lying to her.

    my e levels are outragous but i feel great, i have been on one mg of adex ed for 2 weeks wouldnt that lower the e levels a bit?

    my cycle
    week 1-6 dbol 50mg ed
    deca 1-14 300mg a week
    test 1-16 800mg a week

    injections were broken up into two injections a week

    i have about 3 1/2 weeks left on my cycle she wants me to start pct imediatly to "detox as she says", isnt the half life on test 21 days? wouodnt i be wasting my pct?

    any help would be great.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Tiny2tons View Post
    im new here, need some help please

    i started my first cycle back in mid april, my cycle is 16 weeks and is about to come to a close, my nipples have been on fire for a month, so i decided that the shitty liquid letro wasnt working and saw a docter. this was 2 weeks ago, she prescribed me adex and i ended up getting some blood work done. today my dr told me i need to stop my cycle pronto. prescribed me nova more adex and hcg today after reading my blood work said i needed to detox, then in the same sentence tried to sell me on hrt, im 25 years old, im not trying to be shut down for the rest of my life.

    her are the results

    test level 2130
    free test 1105
    estrogen 339 dr told me at 500 i will die.
    growth hormone was super high i guess. dont remember the number, she asked if i was gh too, i said no, she though i was lying to her.

    my e levels are outragous but i feel great, i have been on one mg of adex ed for 2 weeks wouldnt that lower the e levels a bit?

    my cycle
    week 1-6 dbol 50mg ed
    deca 1-14 300mg a week
    test 1-16 800mg a week

    injections were broken up into two injections a week

    i have about 3 1/2 weeks left on my cycle she wants me to start pct imediatly to "detox as she says", isnt the half life on test 21 days? wouodnt i be wasting my pct?

    any help would be great.


    Never listen to her again. You won't drop dead from any sex hormone imbalance.
    Sure, high levels of estrogen will cause gyno, high blood pressure, and are carcinogenic, but you'll never just drop dead because you hit some arbitrary number.
    I've seen guys in the 600s who felt fine.

    But keep her around, because she sounds like a great source

    Just stop pinning now, keep running your adex, use all the HCG in the next 2 weeks, then start the Nolva.

    Also, your testosterone is crap. 800mg should put your total test several times higher than it is currently.
    Last edited by Bonaparte; 07-14-2012 at 01:46 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I must note that for a FIRST cycle. That one was a poor choice. Hope it all gets better and then maybe you can learn from this and get going in a proper direction with some solid advise from people here. Best of luck to u.


  4. #4
    Thanks for the reply. I told her I made solid gains from it and she said it wasn't possible with those e levels. That's when I was ready to strangle her lol.

    I did this.cycle because of the host of injuries I have had.
    Had 2 knee surgeries and the lubrication properties really helped my knees. I havnt had any problems with them since I started. Now the dosage i prolly got carried away with.....

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    What was your dosage of the liq letro? Did you start it at the beginning of the cycle?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    bonaparte was correct.
    and you will sooner grow a vagina then die from high estro levels.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Listen to B.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    bonaparte was correct.
    and you will sooner grow a vagina then die from high estro levels.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Finally, someone with higher estrogen than I had. Mine got up to 295. I felt fine but didnt feel my gains where what they should be and test was only around 750.

    Agreed with the above. Just stop and get it under control for now.

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