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Thread: good cycle choise for third cycle ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    good cycle choise for third cycle ?

    training almost 4 years
    2 cycles under my belt which were
    1: 100mg propionate eod for 8 weeks & 80mg anavar a day for 6 weeks
    2: 750mg sustanon a week, 300mg deca a week, 100mg anavar a day for 10 weeks
    now cycle plan number 3 im going to keep simple and was thinking
    200mg propionate eod for 6 weeks & 50-100mg oral winstrol a day for 6 weeks OR 100mg propionate eod for 6 weeks 100mg tren a eod for 6 weeks and 50-100mg winny for 6 weeks
    goal is for good lean muscle mass increase & good strength gains. what you guys think ? might also try get bf levels down to about 9-10%

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    If you were to decide on running all 3 compounds at once, tren win and prop i would swap out the tren for some deca instead because that's 3 joint killers stacked together at least the deca could counter act the two winny being the major concern also with thos cycles under you belt at 6 f 190 pounds I'd look into your diet, learn to properly count your macros before starting your next cycle or stop buying fake gear.... Also I would run your cycles longer

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    i dont have any issues with joints so am not worried about that also i was thinking 8 weeks but then i found when ive ran prop before my gains slowed right down from week 6 so for me 6 weeks should be enough for my goals

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Did you not get good results from the prop/var cycle? If I were you that's what I would run as a third cycle. I would stay away from tren for the time least till you have a few more cycles under your belt.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    yea i got good gains from prop/var but i want to try something other than anavar now hence winny, so il probally stick to prop/winny for 6 weeks and yea leave tren for another day.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    75mg ed prop
    50mg ed tren a
    No need for all the huge amounts of aas in cycles if you train right supplement right, dial the diet right in till near perfect a simple cycle can be more effective than one using massive amounts of gear.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    If you can get injectable winny I would definently go that route rather than take 6 weeks of oral winny. That's stuff is pretty harsh on your liver. I like to mix it up one day oral next day inject. Do you have your pct lined up and an AI on hand for estrogen control?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    i cant face ed injections eod i can cope with, and no i cant get injectable winny but if i do begine to feel pain in liver/kidneys then i would stop the winny and yea pct will be clomid 100/100/50 & nolvadex 40/40/20 will only run a 3 week pct if i cycle for 6 weeks, also why stay away from tren for a third cycle ? will that extra 100mg tren eod give good results yea ?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Tren ace should be shot ed
    It been proven that if shot ed blood levels remain a stable level and constant. Whereas eod it spikes and drops.
    Why not go with test e 250mg twice a week and tren e 250mg twice a week then all levels are constantly stable for the whole cycle.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by hobnob View Post
    i cant face ed injections eod i can cope with, and no i cant get injectable winny but if i do begine to feel pain in liver/kidneys then i would stop the winny and yea pct will be clomid 100/100/50 & nolvadex 40/40/20 will only run a 3 week pct if i cycle for 6 weeks, also why stay away from tren for a third cycle ? will that extra 100mg tren eod give good results yea ?
    Tren has horrible sides The gains you get will come fast and leave faster if you are not experienced enough to take it, it's like training naturally before taking steroids then when you are ready you can take steroids but there will be side affects, well with tren you need to train un naturally for along time, advance the experience further then when the time comes and your ready there will be more sides with tren then any other steroid

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Do you have a pct planned out?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by panntastic View Post
    Tren ace should be shot ed
    It been proven that if shot ed blood levels remain a stable level and constant. Whereas eod it spikes and drops.
    Why not go with test e 250mg twice a week and tren e 250mg twice a week then all levels are constantly stable for the whole cycle.
    Bad advice in my opinion. Tren is harsh and should only be for the more advanced. It is advised by most to use tren a before tren e for the simple fact that tren a acts quickly and if the sides are bad you can adjust dosage or end cycle if needed

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by cjr579

    Bad advice in my opinion. Tren is harsh and should only be for the more advanced. It is advised by most to use tren a before tren e for the simple fact that tren a acts quickly and if the sides are bad you can adjust dosage or end cycle if needed
    Tren isn't that harsh I've done some serious tren cycles before and experienced no bad side effects at all.
    Yes it's documented that the effects are bad but like anything if done properly this can be controlled.

    Thing is I started on this site a while back and have learnt a hell of a lot and I have brewed litres of the stuff.

    The main thing I have learnt is no matter what advice people give, if somebody has got it in their head they want to do something they will.
    So my approach is more safe advice rather than deterring them from something they have already made their mind up about.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    NPP & Prop @ 100mg each EOD. . . Simple enough.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    was looking into NPP i hear good things about it but was looking into doing 100mg prop with 200mg NPP eod which would only be a 2ml injection as the NPP i get comes 200mg per ml. also does NPP leave the system as quick as prop or should the test be ran a little longer ?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Npp is awesome stuff it's been a while but a buddy of mine is using it along with test prop and TNE 2 hours before training.

    I'm sure he's running 100mg of both every other day and the TNE every day he trains

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    Yum, 200mg per ml NPP sounds tasty

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