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Thread: Unbelievable!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    God's Country


    Into my second month of trt and due for refills. My current doc orders my scripts for me and the pharmacy ships the package. When I asked for a line item cost for each listed below, this was their response.

    "I'm not allowed to list out the price of each individual item, however I can
    give you the sum total that will be charged to the card on file."

    Testosterone 10ml vial
    >23G needles #10>
    >3cc syring with 18G needle #10
    >DHEA 30mg #60
    >Anastrazole/DIM #30
    >HCG 11,000iu
    >Insulin Syringes #30
    >Shipping 2nd day

    When I called the office and made the same request (line item costs), the woman started reaming me for asking her to violate clinic policies. When I asked about patients rights, she exploded. Who's paying who for services here?

    Time for a new doctor!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Back from Afghanistan
    you may ask for a copy of the policy, in writing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    God's Country
    TR, I requested a copy, receipt for services rendered and cancelled my refills. One less client for their cash machine. Besides, in my head I've been questioning their pharmacy because after 8 weeks I still feel the same as I did prior taking those meds. No improvement whatsoever. I've been looking for someone new for a few weeks now. May have to self treat or go without until I find a good one in my area.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Oz, google this: A4M docs in denver colorado

    Couple hits look promising.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    USA, In the Tundra
    Quote Originally Posted by ozzie43 View Post
    TR, I requested a copy, receipt for services rendered and cancelled my refills. One less client for their cash machine. Besides, in my head I've been questioning their pharmacy because after 8 weeks I still feel the same as I did prior taking those meds. No improvement whatsoever. I've been looking for someone new for a few weeks now. May have to self treat or go without until I find a good one in my area.
    It looks like you are on HCG therapy with some DHEA thrown in. Unless you have followup blood work to verify you are a valid HCG therapy canidate, you won't know that it is working. Given you feel no different, you should try to find a doc that prescribes Testosterone and not solely HCG.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    God's Country
    GNBM, they were prescribing test cyp at 200 per week. It is at the top of the list in my original post. I started at 100 per week and bumped to 200 after the first month. I can't tell you how many times I've read Gdevines thread showing timelines for this, that and the other to improve. I know everyone's different, but that has been my measuring stick so to speak.

    This particular clinic showed their stripes pretty well. I'm sure I'm just another casualty. Chalk it up as a learning experience.

    BTW, they didn't send me their policies, however, I did receive a receipt for my original costs: consultation and prescriptions.

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