Bad bd
Bad bd
Last edited by Dobie-BOY; 08-07-2012 at 07:18 PM.
You can mention the brand, just not the source. I'm assuming this is British Dragon?
^my thoughts
Ya, the BD are horrible. I never have problems with acne, but they made me break out bad!
Uhh. Ever consider acne is a common side effect of anabolic steroids and having these type of sides might actually be an indication you are getting what you paid for?
what he said
Ya, that might be possible if I didn't have as much experience as I have had with this stuff. I have more experience and education with this stuff and working out than you and all your little friends combined. I am trying to keep someone else from getting f'd. Except you. You can f yourself.
I'm thinking that bd gear gives ya roid rage too ?
U mad brah? Lol, all seriousness though, test normally makes me break out bad alsoOriginally Posted by Dobie-BOY
usually acne is from dirty gear. unless ur using high doses. like 750mg + test w/o an AI. test doesn't actually cause acne. estrogen does and DHT does.
that is an intense as picture intense lol
Gear, whether it's test or anything else affects people differently. Personally, test never made me break out so much. And i also never experienced "virgin muscle" pain. But then again, back in January, i spent the whole month in CCU under a medically induced coma. Doctors told my wife they were amazed at how my body absorbed the amount of drugs it took to get me straight.
Thanks for the heads up on the BD.
Yeah, i was asleep for 26 days. Was advised to do nothing but relax for 30-60days as my body would take time to heal. I was in the gym 3 days later. Had a shitload of test and tren and told my wife it will never happen again. Used 100mgs tren ED, and same for prop. Ate like a madman and i was back to normal.
Thanks for the kind words.
That is fvcking crazy. . . . I dunno if I would juice again after being MIA for almost a month. . . Word.
I got acne from pharma grade gear! When i gotOriginally Posted by measuretwicecutonce
On trt I broke out like no other had like 200-300 pimples on my back, shoulders, neck and face
Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
This is a flame free board. Read the rules.
I have some of the best sources in the game and haven't bought BD or QV from that Chinese dude since the early days of being in this game. Odd with all your knowledge and experience you haven't secured better sources and are still sourcing gear through these channels. Hmmm.
I am on hrt (was on before steroid use) and get acne occasionally from Watson testosterone straight from the cvs rx. You don't have a clue what the hell you are talking about if you believe testosterone only causes acne if it is dirty gear. That's some Idiotic bro science bullshit someone with a better imagination then yourself dreamed up and you took as gospel because you are gullible.
In puberty when a boys body is producing higher levels of testosterone and the end result is acne, has his body produced dirty testosterone?
I could eat alphabet soup and shit a better argument then you are capable of generating.
Last edited by swm1972; 08-08-2012 at 05:41 AM.
But where do the elevated levels of estrogen and dht in a male come from? Testosterone conversion. So it really is the root of the problem. I disagree with the dirty gear assertion. The human body produces testosterone that causes acne in boys during puberty. Is the human body producing dirty gear?Originally Posted by measuretwicecutonce
This. I have Iranian cidotestons, schering testoviron, and Watson cyp from cvs.....Originally Posted by FONZY007
All are the same and cause the same sides in me. When I raise my dose from hrt levels to cycle levels I see a couple of occasional pimples on the chest, shoulders, and rarely face. I've used my Watson for cycles before and it made no difference. Even the best human grade gear will still cause acne.
Dobie-boy has crazy experience, and the outbreak could be that you are getting older too broski, or a change in diet... although i've experienced the same thing and just chock it up to part of the game..
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A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
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If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
Don't Let the Police kick your ass
He might have vast experience but he doesn't consider others opinions without immediately taking offense. I have been in this game for years myself. I started at 205-210lbs and cycled up to 260-265lbs. I'm content with hrt and where I've landed having just turn 40 years old, baby on the way, and fantastic employment with the US Dept of defense. I might only be 5'10" and 220-225lbs today, but I've been where many want be but few achieve. This game is about discipline and knowledge. If you are lacking in one or the other you'll fall short. Lack in both and you'll never get off the ground.Originally Posted by spywizard
I believe my post history illustrates I'm someone with a strong understanding of this lifestyle. I try to give good advise even when my opinions aren't the general consensus and are unpopular. When challenged I can back up what I say with scientific studies more often then not. I devoted the better part of a decade into absorbing every detail of knowledge I could about the mechanics behind the why, how, what of anabolic enhancement. To be called out in such a manner by someone that buys BD gear and then bitches about the quality strikes me as ridiculous. It's not like this gear hasn't been hit and miss throughout its history. Why would anyone expect that to change all of a sudden?
That said, my second cycle (and only experience with bd) was BD gear. Ran testosterone and deca and saw wonderful gains. Doesn't mean I'd buy it today given all that has been said about that label over the past several years.
Acne is caused by the bacteria Propionibacterium acnes, which will multiply rapidly (as it is anaerobic, but can survive in oxygen) in pores that become clogged or otherwise produce too much oil.
Almost any hormonal fluctuation or increase can cause an increase in sebum (body oil) production. Unless you're injecting gear tainted with Propionibacterium acnes, an increase in acne has nothing to do with how clean or dirty your gear is (that last part was a joke, as it would cause a local abscess, not acne).
Good info and thanks bon.
stpete, sorry to hear about your problem. I do find it hard to think it was just steroid induced. Sounds like a mjor medical problem. anyway glad its over and you are back to 100% Good Luck. John
Holy Canoli! I didnt understand StPete, but were you sayingyou were in an induced coma because of AAS? Not prying, and if you werent referring to the coma being AAS related, it isnt my business and I dont need to know. I just was curious. Sorry to hear about it either way.
Well. This thread is full of allot of Broscience bs.
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