1) As for sites I just looked at, google "sust injecting frequency" thats all I did for this.
2) Normally someone who believes in science, not "bro science" provides proof as to what they are talking about.
I did! In my thread! I really don't think you took the time to read it and absorb it.
3) You didnt give any proof at all, you made a thread siting what you "think", "bro science"?
Actually I used a form of deductive reasoning: moving from general principle to specific conclusions.
1. Sust was created for TRT
2. The heavy deconaote ester will release longer while the prop and phenyl prop release quicker. Therefore,
3. Twice a week administration of sust is acceptable, where as EOD or E3D administration is simply preferential.
4) I did read what you said on the first page. You posted what you think, nothing more. No hard links or tests backing your once a week logic for pinning.
Once again, based on the structure of the compound, I don't really need to provide links. Is this a generational thing? Like the younger generation that needs a link for it to be verified?
5) For optimal use period pinning at least twice a week is best with sust.
You want to just pin once a week, a pure longer ester is best.
Somewhat agreed. I use Cyp or Enan for my own TRT needs.
6) I didnt dispute this at all.
Give me a few mins to find a test done on sust I just read. It will show the difference in levels in the body from someone who injects each day to every other day to once a week. Actually there is a thread on here that someone done and was tested on also.
Ok, this one says there is debate about sust pinning. The author then makes the assumption that those who are pinning once a week are using high amounts. See this is critical reading skills. Where the hell did he get that assumption from? He goes on to say,
However, from my experience, many of these same users are running high quantities of sustanon (as much as 750mg and more each week). The logical conclusion here is that sustanon can be injected only once a week, but as stipulated above, this is done only at the loss of the shorter acting propionate and phenylpropionate esters
See this is where he and you are wrong. The prop and phenyl prop will release quicker, yes, but you won't "loose" them. lol. They will release CONCOMITANTLY (ie, in conjunction) with the longer esters. So the short esters are releasing while the longer ones pick up the slack. That make sense?
I'm glad you picked this one! Just so happens I know the guy who wrote that, and he's pretty damn smart. As he says
By creating such a compound an HRT patient could effectively keep testosterone flowing through their body and necessarily only administer the hormone once every 3-4 weeks to achieve such an end. While following such protocol would prove to be effective, as the compound was a success in this regard, maintaining stable blood levels is quite a different story and for that reason those who use Sustanon 250 for performance purposes will find frequent injections to be an absolute necessity.
This is exactly what I'm saying, although he remains neutral and doesn't get into the pinning frequency debate. I said several times that twice a week injections are preferable for BBers, and E3D or EOD is preference.
All those charts show is the idea of frontloading. That logic will hold true for any compound, really.
read the last few pages and see where they pull from tests that were done, and how much they inject with frenqency.