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Thread: Test C, HGH and Anavar 3 month cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Test C, HGH and Anavar 3 month cycle

    Hey All,

    I'm 29, 6 ft, 230 with body fat in the 20-25% range. This is not my first cycle, just one I'm putting together now and would like some feedback/input/advice from the forum please. Thanks in advance. My diet is strict Paleo, water intake is 10 glasses plus daily and I also take vitamins daily and BCAA's before and after the gym.

    About to start a 3 month cycle of Anavar (40-60mg ed) Test cyp (250mg weekly) and HGH (1.5iu ed). I plan to add in HCG at 2.0iu the two days before the Test pins. I've done up to 500mg of Test weekly in the past and find better results for me personally at the 250mg per week. This will be my first time trying the anavar though and my question is should I start off with 40mg ed, move up to 60mg ed the next month and back down to 40mg ed for the last month or should I stick to one dose (what dose?) throughout the 3 months.

    I have anastrazole for therapy while on, but was wondering if I need something for PCT and if so what would you recommend?

    My last cycle was Test and growth with HCG and anastrazole and it worked wonders for me but 1 month after I was off, I broke out in a small rash on my chest which turned into a good amount of acne. Got cream from the doctor and that is subsiding now.

    Any and all advice is appreciated. If my knowledge is not on par with what is expected, my apologies but as most on these forums, I have to start somewhere and the more education, the better. Thanks and Cheers!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2012
    So many views and no responses? Was it something I said? Lol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    1.5 i.u.'s of HGH for 3 months is a waste of money. I wouldn't bother with less than 6 i.u.'s. You can't possibly mean 2 i.u.'s of HCG. Must be 200? You've done several cycles in the past with no PCT? Go to the PCT section and get that figured out. Shutting yourself down for three months with a tiny amount of test and then not doing PCT will fvck you up more than it will help you. The acne was because your test levels crashed, your estrogen remained high and with no PCT it took forever for your natural production to restart, if in fact it ever did. No idea what Paleo diet means but at 25% BF it can't be good. You need to do a TON more research and get a handle on what your doing before you permanently screw yourself up. In this case this is not my humble opinion but an intrinsic fact.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    1.5 i.u.'s of HGH for 3 months is a waste of money. I wouldn't bother with less than 6 i.u.'s. You can't possibly mean 2 i.u.'s of HCG. Must be 200? You've done several cycles in the past with no PCT? Go to the PCT section and get that figured out. Shutting yourself down for three months with a tiny amount of test and then not doing PCT will fvck you up more than it will help you. The acne was because your test levels crashed, your estrogen remained high and with no PCT it took forever for your natural production to restart, if in fact it ever did. No idea what Paleo diet means but at 25% BF it can't be good. You need to do a TON more research and get a handle on what your doing before you permanently screw yourself up. In this case this is not my humble opinion but an intrinsic fact.
    fully agree

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by jgnyc View Post
    So many views and no responses? Was it something I said? Lol
    try reading Mickey's thread on beginner's cycle.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    try reading Mickey's thread on beginner's cycle.

    Thanks for the link, I'm heading there now to do some more research, I appreciate the response and advice. I'm obviously off on how I'm explaining my doses. I'll educate myself more it's obviously needed! Thanks guys.

  7. #7
    Take a long ester like Test E for 12 weeks, rest 2 weeks, and PCT with Nolva and Clomid. Not rocket science. Have fun.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Take a long ester like Test E for 12 weeks, rest 2 weeks, and PCT with Nolva and Clomid. Not rocket science. Have fun.
    What doses do you recommend of the nolva and clomid and for how long?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by jgnyc View Post
    What doses do you recommend of the nolva and clomid and for how long?
    For a 12 week Test E cycle dosed at 500-750mg EW, this is what a standard PCT would look like:

    Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
    Clomid 100/100/50/50

    Again, these dosages are not stone written elements, but this protocol seems to have worked for the majority of AAS users in the past.

    On a personal note, if you want to design a cycle that does not only revolve around the cycle itself but also recovery, then you should employ short-estered injectables and not exceed 8 weeks. This way, you are not shutdown for long periods and PCT will being only 3 days after your last injection.

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